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What is Content Marketing?

We feel that affiliate marketing is one of the best marketing tools you can have in your marketing arsenal to grow your business, however, content marketing is another great tool that should be explored. Delivering pertinent information and data is seen as an advantage for many businesses online. For that matter, the use of content has evolved as a way to gather and engage users to patronize and use a particular service or product. Hence, content marketing is developed as a method to capture the attention of the audience without necessarily having any words to encourage a purchase. Technically, the term is defined as the method by which relevant and useful content is created and distributed as a tactic to capture the attention of a targeted audience.

Usefulness of the data is the main organizational thought behind the campaign, and to remove it would often mean informational trash that is worthless to the reader. Marketing without content is even more useless for the public. Ideally, the way words will be delivered to the reader will be in many forms. Blogs, articles, web content, and podcasts are only some of the most common mediums for such transference of data. Words come with the highest amount of persuasive power in the market, and it will be the tool that will captivate the attention of the online user.

The Flaws of Traditional Marketing

Traditional or conventional marketing strategies have the same objective as that of content marketing. Technically, the drive is to ensure the retention of current customers and to draw in new ones to the product or service being offered. Awareness and visibility seems to be two of the foremost reasons for the use of such techniques. Television, radio, and print ads would be the three common mediums for such a method of advertising. However, there are some flaws the marketing experts have seen with the campaign.

Perhaps the most seen flaw in the technique of traditional marketing is the fact there is no targeted audience. Typically, anybody and anyone can view the ads without any specific market. Concept wise, the purpose of the ads for conventional marketing is to place a higher value to product. This is quite disadvantageous as most customers want to be valued by the company and manufacturers.

Timing would be a flaw that is found on most conventional print and television ads. Usually, this is the element where a company would have continuous ad placements on TV and in print when the offer is already expended. The problem with traditional ads is one cannot simply stop the ads as they are paid in full by the company.

The costs of the traditional marketing are also quite expensive. For example, television networks have higher price ranges for a spot on the TV shows. The price range would usually vary according to the time where the ads will be placed. For new and start-up companies, this flaw would often mean higher capital for marketing strategies.

Examples of Content Marketing

There are several forms of content marketing, and each will present its own features for the user. Here are some of the most commonly used techniques and formats for the strategy.

Blogs – these are types of websites were a person can potentially place his personal opinions about a product or service. This is a great method for companies to showcase their expert opinions on the product or service. Regular updates to the blog must be maintained at all times as the payoffs can be quite big.

Newsletters – these are versatile types of marketing tactics as they can be in the traditional form or on the web-based digital formats. Online newsletters will serve as the best way to keep the public informed of the new highs of the product or service being offered.

Web Content – this form of content marketing is the initial phase in the strategy. Typically, content is placed in the main website as a way to captivate the attention of the user. These types of content are usually the most informative as they place the features and product data on a space meant for it. Hence, consumers get instant access to the website as quickly as possible.

White Papers – perhaps a formal type of content marketing, the white papers are seen as reports with a persuasive approach to its voice. However, a major disadvantage of this method is that it is quite long, and often, the details inside may get useless over time.

Why Use Content Marketing

Internet marketing, and in particular, content marketing offers the distinct advantage of a targeted audience they can cater to. Most of the online ads are placed on specific websites where interested users are bound to click on the link, and eventually may buy the stated product or service offered. By catering to the audience the product is meant to, it will have a higher chance of being bought.

Content marketing tries to place a focus on the interests of the public rather than placing the product or service on a higher note. Usually, the ads will portray in a more specific way how the consumer can benefit from using or taking such product or service.

Online and content ads are immediate and real-time, which means one gets to inform their audience of the halt to the promotion. Considering that the World Wide Web is global and has a 24-hour timetable, it means people have this opportunity to get the latest details on the products. Websites for content marketing are generally free as anyone can build up a web page from scratch. On the other hand, for those companies that want the aid of expert marketers, the charges will definitely be cheaper than the conventional marketing schemes.

As a whole, the strategic platform offered by content marketing nowadays has a global reach. Hence, if one intends to reach millions of targeted buyers, it would be wise to use this medium as it encompasses a vast audience in a worldwide market.

Strategies for Content Marketing

Successful content marketing tactics will be those that use a hub that is flexible and mobile. The latter being the ability of the company to update the medium anywhere and anytime. With the necessary hub, the business organization can be on its way to develop a regular and frequent capability to connect with the public. Blogs and websites would best suffice as a platform where information could be displayed and used by the online market.

A second strategy for a successful campaign is to have an authentic and real content method. For example, a business that focuses on music and entertainment would best garner the attention of the market by presenting their content with videos or music blogs. The idea is to showcase to the audience the personality of the company.

Ideally, an evergreen content is essential for the success of the business. The idea behind the foundation of the content is that it must be timeless. Longevity is what this marketing tactic is all about. Content crafted in such a way will mean it is useful for the future prospects on intends to capture.

Headlines would also form an important part of the campaign. Magnetic titles are the best way to engage the online user to read the content. Reality states there are volumes of information online, and the presence of a great title is one that will get the online user to read the entire article from start to bottom.

Typically, content that is enticing means that it will be a solution to the problems of the audience it is targeting. This is the best way to draw readers to patronize the product and the company. As much as possible, it would be wise to indicate in the article the different benefits one would gain from the use of the product. As a marketing tactic, positive thoughts and reviews would help, but it is essential that a sales pitch must be avoided.

Resources for Content Marketing

CMI or the Content Marketing Institute – brought upon by the needs of the online public to access information and strategy about content marketing, CMI is a tool that guides aspiring businesses in their goal for visibility. CMI also opens up as a ground where the brightest minds in the industry will gather and give their own insights to their success. For more details, their website,, would be more than sufficient to give information. Content Marketing World is also hosted by the company. This is the annual gathering of the world’s famous and topmost online marketers.

Content Marketing Today – this company provides business organizations over 25 years of experience in the field of marketing. It offers a driven mission to be able to bring their clients as a brand that will meet their demands. The website,, offers the latest news and updates to the content strategy. Ideally, the website offers a range of different ideas about the perfect content marketing tactic for the formats of blogging, eBooks, Videos, e-Newsletters, and Websites.

Content Converts – three basic services are offered by the company to business enterprises that want to grow a following online. First, they will give the simple steps on how to give the most compelling content that captures the attention of the online user. Second, they will provide ideas on the design of the website that retains online visitors and makes them read the content. Lastly, the company intends to give a definite explanation that will tie in both content and design in one shot. Eventually, Content Converts will ensure that a profitable business is achieved by the online marketer. For information regarding the techniques that increases web traffic, their website will give the latest on these strategies.

Idea Launch – as a content marketing website, the company has moved to promote the forward-looking technique of online advertising. Founded by Byron White, the business has expanded to being one of the most trusted when it comes to content management for the websites and the campaign. The most basic service offered by the company is this Writer Access that gives business organizations the privilege of an expert professional author that will do the hard work. The website of the company is

Content Marketing Infograph – We have researched and found the best content marketing infograph is below.

Best Content Marketing Video – Some of the best content marketing videos are below.

Gary Vaynerchuk explains why content is King. Learn from one of the leading experts in social media more about what is content marketing.

This video explain what is content marketing and is a good supplement to this guide so that you gain more of an understanding about content marketing.

Best Content Marketing Blogs

CopyBlogger – This is an excellent resource for learning how to write great copy. Link:

Influentail Marketing – This is a great blog that focuses on sharing ideas about marketing and PR Link:

Web Strategist – This blog you can help you learn strategies to improve your content marketing Link:

Content Marketing Books

One of the best books on content marketing is Content Rules: How to Create Killer Blogs, Podcasts, Videos, Ebooks, Webinars (and More) That Engage Customers and Ignite Your Business by C. C Chapman and Ann Handley

NOTE: It is available in audio book format.

Best Content Marketing Ebook – The best content Marketing Ebook we have found is from and it is called: 100 Inbound Marketing Content Ideas Download this eBook from here.

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