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Wal-Mart Scores Most Black Friday-Cyber Monday Social Mentions


Sifting through the data in the aftermath of Black Friday-Cyber Monday, Wal-Mart has emerged as the top social media performer, driving more than 151,000 conversations related to the start of the holiday shopping season, according to Salesforce Marketing Cloud.

Amazon and Kohl’s also posted strong results with 127,000 and 114,000 social mentions; Apple (67,000) and Target (54,000) rounded out the top five.


Wal-Mart’s social success mirrors strong online sales results for the company, which reported a record-setting Cyber Monday in terms of online orders. Wal-Mart said customers viewed 1.5 billion pages on its site during the five days between Thanksgiving and Cyber Monday, 70% coming from mobile devices.

Marketing Cloud also released results from Cyber Monday, pegging the total number of social posts related to the day at 809,000. The top brands included Amazon, Android, eBay, Samsung and Xbox, with eBay showing especially strong growth — a 1731% increase in Twitter conversations over last year.


More findings from Salesforce Marketing Cloud:

  1. 157K conversations were from retailers and celebrities making their last sales efforts on social networks. The most talked about products included electronics, gadgets and clothing.

  2. 14K conversations were mentions of weak sales reported by retailers during Black Friday/Cyber Monday.

  3. 2K conversations included comments about the amount of Black Friday/Cyber Monday-related emails they received.

  4. Top hashtags on CyberMonday were #CyberMonday (360K posts), #Amazon (10.5K posts) and #OtherTech (6.9K posts).

“While the holiday season is underway, it’s not too late for savvy retailers to still capture their piece of the holiday pie,” Jeff Rohrs, vice president of marketing insights for Salesforce Marketing Cloud, said in a release. “Each moment in the customer journey matters just as much as the one that precedes or follows it. By focusing on the present moment at hand and making it unmistakably memorable, retailers can stand out amongst the holiday noise and take the customer one step closer to the next major milestone.”


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