“Social is all about discovery, search is about validation. These two are so inextricably linked today…” ~ Tami Cannizzaro, Global Director of Marketing, Social Business at IBM.
Google has placed a huge bet on social, not just on integrating Google+ into all of the online giant’s moving pieces, but also in increasing the strength of social signals in determining search relevance. Similarly, search is becoming much more important to social sites like Facebook and Twitter, like intelligent string intertwining users, content and activities. As social and search become increasingly like the opposite sides of the same coin, marketers must adopt new hybrid approaches that are effective both with man and machine.
From the Marketing Land Digital Marketing Summit at SMX West 2014.
All Search Is Now Social
Speaker: Tami Cannizzaro, Global Dir. of Marketing, Social Business at IBM
Follow along with the presentation slides below:
Connecting the dots between social search and content by tami cann of ibm from Search Marketing Expo – SMX