Call it a flop: almost six months since it was launched, Twitter is calling it quits on Dashboard, its all-in-one management suite for businesses.
On February 3, the app will no longer function. Dashboard was announced last summer to low fanfare and seemed to have never taken off — perhaps because most brands were already actively using third-party products powered by its API to do their thing. With Dashboard, however, Twitter intended to make things straightforward for businesses to get in on the ground floor with a scheduling tool, drafted posts, multiple account management and more.

So much for that idea. Yesterday, Twitter’s Dashboard account announced that it’s game over.
Twitter Dashboard will be closing down on February 3rd. 1/5 — Twitter Dashboard (@dashboardapp) January 10, 2017
Fortunately, not all is lost. Twitter acknowledged that it’s in its best interest to offer the functionality to a wider audience. That’s why the Dashboard team also mentioned that they are hoping “to bring the best features from Dashboard to the broader Twitter community.” We’d be curious to know what people would do with scheduling functionality and the like on Twitter.com, but it’s an interesting idea to consider, that’s for sure.