Twitter has relaunched its Twitter For Business website with a new look, plus additional content that Twitter hopes will help businesses learn how to build a successful presence there.
The how-to content is separated for new or advanced business users, and case studies are organized by size of business and industry. And, of course, there’s plenty of information about Twitter’s advertising options and how to get started with them.
Twitter has also published a new video that, in my opinion, is the most effective messaging the company has offered yet for businesses — not just why, but also how to do business on Twitter. It’s basic and meant for beginners, but there’s a lot of information packed into a little more than two minutes.
This is the latest in a series of business-friendly moves Twitter has made recently, from expanded analytics to full ad targeting capabilities for small business advertisers and a new lead-gen tool that appears to be in the works.
Twitter recently announced that it had passed 200 million active users, but business adoption still falls well below Twitter’s competitors. One recent study, for example, suggested that small businesses are more than twice as likely to use Facebook as Twitter. Other studies have suggested a similar trend, and that’s something Twitter clearly wants to change.