Using the Twitter app on Android? Today, your microblogging app is sporting a new look, no matter where you reside in the world.
The new Twitter for Android has taken user feedback to enhance the user design and simplify the user experience. As seen below, the design has swipe functionality to move between screens, such as your Home timeline, Notifications and Direct Messages. Users can also access the Navigation menu which slides from the left side to give them easy access to their profile, Highlights, lists, to connect with friends and to access Settings or Help. A round floating button remains on the bottom right-hand side of the screen so that users can tweet whenever they want.

There’s more where that came from, too. When you use the app, you’ll discover that Direct Messages are given a new, perhaps more appropriate name, “Talk privately,” as discovered by Louis Gray (and which has apparently been something iOS has had for awhile):
DM’s now highlighted as “talking privately” in Twitter’s new Android UI. pic.twitter.com/QP0yTVSuY6 — Louis Gray (@louisgray) 7 de junio de 2016
The initial sentiment is that the new design looks cleaner and more white, which is also an adjustment for some. But lists are now being supported, which is something users have wanted forever. Overall, the update has gotten relatively good reception among Twitter users, with one so far showing his enthusiasm in one appropriate animated GIF:
@twitter @Android pic.twitter.com/SrZFIOpQ7c — Henz (@Deviantartjr) June 7, 2016