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TweetDeck Gets A Light, Bright New Design

If you’ve been one of the many users turned off by the dark, drab TweetDeck look, you’re in luck. Twitter has released a new version of TweetDeck that mimics the web version of Twitter with a lighter, cleaner look.

If you’ve been one of the avid users who’ve loved the dark look, no worries. A toggable switch will let you continue in your dark ways. Twitter bought TweetDeck back in May of 2011 and the intrinsicly-Twitter redesign ha been a long time coming. Another welcomed change for many users will be the ability to change font sizes. Now users can select from Small (13pt), Medium (14pt) or Large (15pt) font sizes.

The new design is live on the web version as well as Chrome, Mac and Windows versions. Additional functionality was released earlier this year and all of the improvements are still supported in this new version. Download the new app on the official TweetDeck page.

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