Let’s get began with Oraclize!
In this video we’ll see: * a number of normal ideas behind the Oraclize blockchain oracle service * a primary instance written in Solidity leveraging the Remix IDE (with Oraclize plug-in) and the Oraclize APIs
Other helpful sources: * Oraclize examples ( https://github.com/oraclize/bitcoin|http://btcpeek.com/index.php?s=MyBlogK1″>ethereum-examples/tree/grasp/solidity ) * Oraclize displays ( https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjVjCheDbMel-x-JYeGazcQ/playlists?view_as=subscriber ) * Oraclize documentation ( http://docs.oraclize.it/ ) * Oraclize GitHub repositories ( https://github.com/oraclize ) * Oraclize weblog ( https://blog.oraclize.it/ ) * Oraclize help channel ( https://gitter.im/oraclize )