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Turn Your Business’s Vision into Inspiring Content: A Case Study

Writer's picture: Fahad HFahad H

While writing a post for my personal blog on the difference between a business’s mission and its vision, I came across the World Wildlife Fund’s Vision page. I found it to be an extraordinary grouping of content that not only presented the organization’s vision, but then portrayed it in action in several ways.

If you came upon this Vision page as someone likely to be a supporter of their mission, then I believe it’s also likely that the content on this page would entice you to become a true believer and a donor as well. And for an organization like the WWF, that makes all the difference.

What about the content on the page makes believers want to donate? Let’s take a look…

Prominent Vision Statement

Their Vision Statement is at the center of the page, and, in my opinion, beautifully written. It brings their mission to life with inspiration and vibrancy and compels those who may be interested in their organization to be more likely to get involved or donate.

Genuine picture of the CEO

The CEO portrays the very important message that he is a believer in – and steward of – the vision. How is this content? Well, look closely at the photo – he is shown out in the wild somewhere genuinely “living” in their vision – this is no stodgy corporate photo. I think that makes quite a messaging difference.

Quote from the CEO

There is a quote from the CEO next to his photo and right above the Vision Statement that further depicts how they understand that their vision for the organization fits in the larger scheme of the universe in which they work.

“Notes from the CEO”

Immediately to the right of the Vision Statement you find “Notes from the CEO,” which are messages to key constituents. Reading through these you’ll quickly see how these messages from the CEO to friends and donors show how the organization is bringing its vision to life – and they are inspiring messages. Just look at how he starts one of his most recent messages: “Of all the places WWF works, the Himalayas remain perhaps the most extraordinary wellspring of conservation creativity and vision.”

Again, if you are a believer in their mission, I believe a message like this one would entice you to want to learn more and to be inspired by how clearly he believes in what the organization is doing.  Said another way, if you’re attracted by the mission you’ll be magnetized by the vision.  Reading through additional messages one finds much inspirational language and examples of how the vision is being pursued and given life in a variety of ways.

Twitter feed

The CEO’s Twitter feed is right below the Vision Statement, and if you read through them you can feel his enthusiasm about how they are fulfilling their vision – the phrases, ” Can we make it stick?” “breadbasket for the world,” ”brainstorm solutions” and even “working on the fly” stand out to me immediately. Now, they definitely lose points for not keeping this feed up to date – but if they were still actively using it I believe it’s a great way to further support the vision, and it is well-placed.

What else could they do to further expand the content on this page?

  1. They could have journal notes from employees “in the field” portraying how they are pursuing the organization’s vision.

  2. Similarly, they could share journal notes from community members in far-away lands who are benefitting from the organization’s vision because of the way in which the WWF is bringing their vision to life.

You get the idea…

So, next time you’re thinking about putting your Vision Statement (do you even have one?!) on a page where it gets lost, think about turning it into truly inspiring content!

Have you been inspired by any web content lately? Let us know in the comments!

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