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Three Easy Steps to Add Podcasts to Your Blog

Writer's picture: Fahad HFahad H

Too often new, and seasoned, bloggers focus on only one type of content: blog posts. Blog posts are great, and if written well enough, with great keyword rich headlines, you can generate positive search engine rankings and traffic.

However, straight text is not the only type of content you need to create. While there are a number of alternative formats, you should definitely consider podcasting as readers can build more of an emotional connection when they hear your voice and it increases the ways they can can connect with you (some people prefer listening instead of reading).

As Bernie Borges mentioned in a recent post, using the interview format is a great way to get started. This posts takes you through how to actually record and get podcasts on your blog.

Easily record your podcast

Too many bloggers don’t even attempt to create podcasts because they think it’s too hard to do. Actually, it’s very easy.

Did you ever use Skype? It’s a free online communication tool that allows you chat with others around the world through your computer. Once you download Skype, you can use some very inexpensive software that will record your conversations and turn them into audio MP3 files. Do a search for “Pamela Skype” and “Ecamm Call Recorder” and you’ll find two very simple applications that allow you to do that.

Edit and upload your podcast to your blog

Once you record your podcast, you make need to make some edits before uploading the file to your blog. I recommend a free audio editing program called Audacity. Download this program for free and use it to add/edit your podcast before uploading.

Set up your podcast to play in your blog

Next you need to get your podcast on your blog. If you’re using WordPress, there are several free plugins you can use to let your podcast play in a blog post. Powerpress is a popular choice, but many more exist. Do a search in the WordPress support site for more.

Check out this example of a great podcast

JB Glossinger runs a business called To help promote his business, he creates a daily podcast that runs about 15-minutes long where he gives out free motivational and inspirational advice and tips. The “CoachCast” is ranked as one of the highest subscribed shows on iTunes and has over 12,000 people a day listening to it, and growing.

Why can’t you spend 15-minutes a day creating a simple podcast that you can give away that helps you draw in sales and leads and publicity for your business or brand? It’s as simple as figuring it out and making it happen. Go out there and get it done!

Do you know of any other bloggers who have a great podcast? Share it with us in the comments!

Looking for more ways to maximize the impact of your podcast content? Get practical insights, advice, and answers in our 2018 Guide to Essential Content Marketing Tactics.

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