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The key to local SEO


If you’ve read any of my past articles here, you know that I typically try to share tips to help marketers be more successful with their clients. Instead of sharing a specific optimization tip or some fleeting shiny object, I try to stick more to the business or relationship side of things.

This time, I’m sharing the most important tip I can share: the key to success in local SEO.

For long-term success with local SEO — to really make sure your clients or your boss are happy in the long term — there is a single important key. It’s not something cliche like “hard work” or “just do it.”And it’s not some inside tip on some specific signal to optimize.

The key to local SEO success is client education.

We all do SEO every day, all day long. There are tons of different opinions on exactly how to optimize a website. We all know the concepts and the lingo. We all understand the technical details, the work that’s involved, the outcome of that work and the timeline for potential results.

The problem is, most of the general public doesn’t know squat about SEO. Very few even know what the acronym stands for. We’re so deep into the SEO life that we forget that the average person has no idea what we’re talking about.

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