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Second-Screener, Multi-Screener: How to Engage the Always Addressable Consumer – October 23 We

Digital Marketing Depot presents “Second-Screener, Multi-Screener: How to Engage the Always Addressable Consumer” on Thursday October 23 at 1 PM EDT.

In this webcast Forrester Research, Inc. ís Principal Analyst Jim Nail and Quaeroís Michelle Boockoff-Bajdek will discuss how second screening is additive to both the viewing and buying experience as well as the bottom line. They’ll also discuss cross-device tracking and how to and serve the audience, not the device.

Jim Nail is a principal analyst at Forrester Research serving marketing leaders and leads Forresterís coverage of online video, the evolution of television advertising, the digital transformation of advertising agencies, and marketing optimization.

Michelle Boockoff-Bajdek brings almost 20 years of technology marketing and marketing services experience to Quaero. She channels her experience as a consultant into the role of chief evangelist, helping companies understand how to make their data work for them, not against them.

Registration is free at Digital Marketing Depot.

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