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Rethink the Way You Get New Business: 3 Simple Secrets

Writer's picture: Fahad HFahad H


Oklahoma contractor Steven Jones found himself in a predicament. As the new entrant in the highly competitive siding and window replacement marketplace, Steven needed to make a splash.

Steven’s company, Tulsa Renew, could have done what every other contractor does. He could have littered the neighborhood with door hangers offering free estimates or $200 coupons. He could have underbid everyone else in Tulsa to win a few early customers. He could have cold-called his way to a bunch of sales meetings. But instead, Steven did something revolutionary in the construction industry: He redefined the experience using personalized content. Steven created what he calls The Ultimate Client Experience.

Listen to the full episode of Claim Your Fame to learn what Steven Jones and the Tulsa Renew team do that has revolutionized the industry.

Steven’s story was one of two featured on this episode of Claim Your Fame. I also talked with Richard Yoo from Rackspace about the unique customer experience that company is delivering.

Welcome to the Loyalty Loop

As marketers, we spend a lot of our time thinking about how to acquire new customers. But few, if any of us, spend time thinking about what we can do to show  people we’re different instead of telling  them we’re different.

Smart marketers like Steven Jones provide a clearly differentiated contracting service – a service that, by design, creates an ever-growing list of new customers. The team at Tulsa Renew leverages the Loyalty Loop – the period between the moment a prospect becomes a customer and the instant that customer tells someone else to buy the products or services.

If you want to grow your business, if you want to lower the cost of new-customer acquisition, if you want to run a higher-margin business, you need to embrace the Loyalty Loop.

3 secrets to help you embrace the Loyalty Loop

In this episode of Claim Your Fame, you’ll learn how one of the world’s largest web-hosting companies, Rackspace, used the Loyalty Loop to transform tech support. You’ll hear how Tulsa Renew turned a demolition on the Vegas strip into an amazing demonstration of its capabilities at 2:30 in the morning. We’ll also expand on the three secrets to embracing the Loyalty Loop.

Secret 1: Find the experience holes

Look at the market’s expectations for the product or service you provide. What can you and your company do to change the way your products or services are delivered? How can you shift the expectations of the customers you serve?

Secret 2: Start with your existing customers

Successful Loyalty Loop marketers don’t start by updating their website with their new customer experience. Instead, they start by delivering a differentiated experience to their existing customers. I challenge you to do something different, something unexpected, with the next customer or client that buys something from you. Start today.

Secret 3: Leverage outside influences to guide your Loyalty Loop

In this episode of Claim Your Fame, you’ll see why being in San Antonio allowed Rackspace to deliver a game-changing customer experience. You’ll learn why Steven Jones possessed the unique skill set to build his booming business. It turns out that a differentiated experience rarely comes from inside the industry. Seek experiences from other sectors to redefine the way you serve the customers you have.

What if…

What if we started transforming our marketing efforts by leveraging the customers we have? How would, or should, our Loyalty Loop experience drive our business?

Listen to this episode of Claim Your Fame

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Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute


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