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Report: Facebook & StumbleUpon Saw Nearly 50% Increase In Referral Share Of Visits

The StumbleUpon and Facebook talk of late hasn’t been chipper. Until Today. Shareaholic, a discovery and sharing platform that helps sites promote content, has released its Q4 Social Media Traffic Report. The last report saw a monumental gain from Facebook traffic in Q3 2013, this report is not much different. Additionally, a friendly (yet surprising) face also appeared when looking at the top gaining sites — StumbleUpon. To obtain these stats Shareaholic collects data from over 200,000 websites and tracks 250 million unique referrals a month.

Facebook finished 2013 strong with a 17.43% share of visits in November and 15.44% in December compared to 10.37% in September. While StumbleUpon surged, the numbers were still relatively low as they hopped from 0.56% in September and finished with 0.86% in December.


As we reported before, Shareaholic has seen Reddit’s numbers show a significant decrease. Q4 of 2012 saw Reddit hovering in the 2%-3% range and is now down to 0.26%-0.28% range. However, this very well may be flawed due to the tracking metrics and the lack of Shareaholic data on certain websites. 


Pinterest is also appearing to secure it’s stranglehold on 2nd place in the share of visits arms race. Pinterest share of visits leapt 30% from September to December which is no small feat. Additionally, they’ve put some space between themselves and Twitter, as they now are up 3.67 percentage points over Twitter compared to the 2.51 points from September.

For more information see the official Shareaholic post.

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