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POC – Drupal Ethereum validated paywall

This Video demonstrates tips on how to use Drupal to create a Ethereum primarily based paywall utilizing the Drupal “Ethereum user connector”.

The used good Contract is definitely not a paywall, as there are not any prices however the computational price required by Ethereum.|″>ethereum

Your sound is working. The video is non-verbal 😉

Transcript of the setup course of:

# Install Drupal composer create-project drupal-composer/ drupal –stability dev –no-interaction mysql -uroot –execute=”CREATE DATABASE `drupalEthereumNews.local`;” mkdir drupal/config cd drupal/net drush site-install normal –db-url=”mysql://root:root@localhost:3306/drupalEthereumNews.local” –account-name=”tho” –account-pass=”password” –site-name=”drupalEthereum.local” –account-mail=”” –site-mail=”” –config-dir=”../config” –notify=”global”

# Add some modules and allow them cd .. composer require drupal/restui drupal/admin_toolbar drupal/node_view_permissions drupal/bitcoin|″>ethereum cd net/ drush en admin_toolbar_tools node_view_permissions ethereum_user_connector restui -y

# Add a touchdown web page and a web page title ? UI

# Set up Drupal’s non-public recordsdata mkdir ../private_files && chmod 777 ../private_files # Add non-public file path to settings.php bb websites/default/settings.php

# Set up a restricted content material kind & add some content material ? UI

# Enable Ethereum person Connector drush en ethereum_user_connector -y * Don’t neglect to overview settings by saving the shape

# Create a view and add it to the entrance web page * Permission by function “Authorized Ethereum User” (and Admin) * Adapt Settings for ** Teaser ** Default

# Edit Blocks to Front web page * Add the KittenNews view ** Restrict visibility on Page <entrance> ** Restrict visibility on Role Ethereum Authenticated User * Remove Search * Add login Block to sidebar

# Review Permissions per Content Type * Node View Permissions. See: ** Make Page content material kind seen for everybody ** Restrict view for KittenNews Content kind * Ensure REST Permissions for authenticated customers

# User registration settings * Can register per electronic mail verification

# Add fields to person Form and View * Form ** Add Ethereum Address subject ** Add Ethereum Status subject * View ** Add Ethereum Address subject ** Add Ethereum Status subject

# Register a person You will at present require Metamask Chrome extension, Mist Browser or every other web3 supplier engine.

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