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Pinterest Gives Users The Ability To Follow Topic Feeds


Social bookmarking site Pinterest announced today that it is giving users the ability to follow topics.

Previously users’ home feeds were populated only with content pinned by individuals and brands that they follow. After the change, which has started to roll out on Pinterest’s English Android, iOS and web platforms, Pinners will be able to see updates from categories they choose to follow.

Software engineer Ningning Hu explained in a blog post:

When you find a topic where people are Pinning lots stuff you like, click or tap the Follow button and a selection of those very Pins will start appearing in your home feed. That way there’s always something interesting waiting for you whenever you drop by Pinterest. If you ever want to stop seeing these Pins, just go back to the interest to Unfollow. Or you can always manage your interests in the newly updated Following section of your profile, where you’ll now also see all the boards and Pinners you follow.
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