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Pinnerific: Pinterest New Navigation & Look Rolling Out To Select Users

Soon, Pinterest will be rolling out a sleek new look to a lucky small group of users. The new look features larger images, better navigation and a faster overall experience.

The biggest change occurs with the look of the pin. Big, bold pictures are displayed alongside pins from the same board, related pins and other boards that the pin has been pinned to:


Additionally, the navigation has been enhanced to make browsing easier and more intuitive:


Lastly, changes have occurred “behind the scenes” that will “hopefully made things faster.” If this new design test includes speed upgrades, don’t expect it to be in test mode for too long. By addressing speed issues, I’d expect that while labeled a test “to learn even more,” in reality, this is a small phase-one roll-out with universal changes coming soon. In regard to the roll-out, Pinterest officially states:

We’ll preview the update with a small group of people over the coming weeks. Once we work out the kinks, we’ll share it more broadly. In the meantime, if you’re interested in being one of the first to see the new look, send us your information.

For more information see the official Pinterest blog.

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