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Online Marketing 101

online marketing 101

Are you new to online marketing? If you are, welcome and congratulations for joining this amazing journey, if not, this article is really not for you. This article was written for new online marketers and it is a quick overview on what they need to know about online marketing and what they expect to encounter. The world of online marketing is vast. There are different strategies on how you can market your business online. These include search engine optimization, email marketing, affiliate marketing, social media marketing, content marketing, mobile marketing, referral marketing, and many other strategies. To help you get familiar with online marketing, we will explain the most important strategies that you need to know to help you get started. Search Engine Optimization This marketing strategy involves learning how search engines work and modifying your website or web pages so that they can appear at the top of unpaid search engine results. Search Engine Optimization requires a lot of your time because you will spend time editing your content and learning what search terms your customers are using so that you can optimize your website for those keywords. If you do not have the time to do SEO, you can hire professional SEO’s and they will help optimize your website. Be careful when hiring SEO’s, you don’t want to get someone promising you improved rankings in one week. Email Marketing is when you send emails to your email list whether it is current customers or potential customers. This marketing strategy is great, especially, if the customer or potential customer signed up for your list and approved of you sending them emails. Email marketing will allow you to further explain the benefits of your product or service to your customers. Additionally, you can use email marketing to provide your customers with other valuable information. You don’t have to primarily sell only your service. Show your customers that you want them to succeed and you can use email to provide additional resources for them. Affiliate Marketing Affiliate marketing is a performance based marketing strategy that helps grow your business by sending traffic and sales to your website. In affiliate marketing, you will recruit other online marketers and you will pay them for all the successful sales they send your way. To help you create and run an affiliate program you need affiliate software. Learn how affiliate software like OSI Affiliate Software will help you create a successful affiliate program. Social Media Marketing Social Media Marketing is a marketing strategy where you attract website traffic from your social media profiles. For this strategy to work you first need to create profiles and pages for your business on all major social media sites. These are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google +, Pinterest, etc. Next, you will need to engage in the community. This means participating in discussions, providing value, not spamming, and constantly using the networks. Content Marketing This marketing strategy is based on proving valuable information to customers and in return you will get their loyalty. When using content marketing, avoid selling your product and instead provide helpful information to your customer. Example of content that you can use for this strategy are ebooks, videos, photos, infographics, how to guides, etc. Mobile Marketing Mobile marketing is attracting customers via mobile devices, such as tables, cell phones, and any other mobile devices. To help with mobile marketing you might need to have your website designed for mobile or provide valuable content through mobile. This is something that all businesses need to focus on because most customers are now using their mobile devices to access the Internet. Referral Marketing Referral marketing is similar to affiliate marketing and involves a middleman sending customers to your website. Studies have shown that referral customers are loyal and profitable than regular customers. You will need to use software and analytics to track referral customers. These are some of the major online marketing strategies that you need to be familiar with. Visit our affiliate marketing blog often to learn more online strategies that you can use to grow your business. About Robert Kilonzo — Robert Kilonzo helps businesses create and run affiliate programs using OSI Affiliate Software. Follow him on Twitter and Google+

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