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New LinkedIn Profile Lets Users Visualize Relationships & Gain Better Insights


LinkedIn has been been updating, enhancing and redesigning ferociously over the past few months. Now, the most common page, the profile page,  is receiving a facelift. Changes to the page will allow for easier editing, better visualizations with a unified design.

The first thing that most users will note is the clean, streamlined design. With subtle colors, larger images & better segmentation, the new look will be easy on the eyes of LinkenIn users. One interesting element is the noted push towards user activity with large update boxes featured directly on the profile page. This falls in-line with LinkedIn’s more content-focused new plan and supports the notion that LinkedIn is more than just connecting with others – – it’s about sharing and interacting.

One of the most user-friendly features is the new streamlined editing process.  The editing system was rebuilt from he ground up and is much simpler for LinkedIn members to use. Users can now edit all items easily in-line in one fell swoop.

While the muted colors and design elements are nice, a key new addition for marketers is “network insights.” Located on the right side of the profile, users can see visual breakdowns of one’s network. The data can be sorted by:

  1. Company

  2. School

  3. Location

  4. Industry

This data can help users see exactly who they are connected to, very similar to the administration panel for LinkedIn Influencers.

For more information on the new layout see the recorded livestream from the unveiling event this morning:

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