Facebook ratings and reviews for local Pages can be a double-edged sword for major brands.
Facebook’s enormous scale means they are likely to get strong engagement from customers visiting brick and mortar locations. But for brands with a large number of branches or franchisees, calling up each of those pages to view and respond isn’t practical. Which means the reviews are often ignored.
MomentFeed believes it has a solution, announcing today that it is the first digital marketing platform to pull in Facebook ratings and reviews data. Facebook made the API available earlier this year, and MomentFeed immediately set to work to add it to its Local Voice product, which also manages customer feedback on Foursquare, Google, Instagram, Yelp, Twitter and Facebook pages.
Getting access to the page ratings API was a break-though, MomentFeed founder Rob Reed said.
“Up until then these chain brands really had no way to efficiently monitor ratings and reviews,” Reed said. “If you had hundreds or thousands of pages, you actually had to go to each of them on Facebook.com.
“Now that it plugs into our system, they can see an average rating for all 8,000 7-Eleven pages or an average rating for a region and compare them. They can also see an integrated feed of reviews from all 8,000 locations, chronologically ordered.”
Users can also pull up reviews from single locations, sort reviews by star ratings and respond either individually or to a group of commenters.
It’s easy to see the value for a big brand with many local outlets, like MomentFeed-customer The Home Depot. Here are screen grabs from the reviews on two Los Angeles-area home improvement centers in Hollywood and Huntington Park:

You’ll note that none of the customer feedback has been answered.