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Microsoft Says Product Demand Remains High, Reports Record $24.52 Billion Revenue For FY14 Q2

Microsoft has released its earnings report for FY14 Q2, claiming a record $24.52 billion in revenue.

“We delivered record revenue as demand for our business offerings remains high,” said Microsoft chief financial officer Amy Hood in a statement released today.

Microsoft’s devices, consumer and commercial revenue all climbed. Devices and consumer revenue was up 13 percent, totaling $11.91 billion. According to the report, Surface revenue doubled from the first quarter to second quarter, growing $400 million to $893 million.

Microsoft says it sold 7.4 million Xbox consoles, split between 3.9 million XBox One units and 3.5 million Xbox 360 units. The company also reported Bing experienced an 18.2 percent growth in search market share, and 34 percent increase in search advertising revenue.

Microsoft’s commercial revenue climbed 10 percent, reaching to $12.67 billion. Both SQL Server and System Center experienced double-digit revenue growth.

Microsoft reported Office 365 commercial seats and Azure customers both saw triple-digit growth, and its commercial cloud services had more than double revenue growth.

“Our commercial cloud services revenue grew more than 100 percent year-over-year, as customers are embracing Office 365, Azure, and Dynamics CRM Online, and making long-term commitments to the Microsoft platform,” said Microsoft chief operating officer Kevin Turner.

Microsoft’s earnings call is scheduled for today at 2:30 p.m. PST.

Microsoft Earnings report Q4 2013
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