I am a huge fan of David Sedaris, the title of today’s post is one of
Some of you are aware of this, I am writing a book on Web Analytics. It is going to be published by Wiley on 7th May 2007. I am very excited about the book (much more than you might expect a author to be about his book).
I have not mentioned the book on this blog thus far (and requested others not to talk about it on their blogs) because I did not want lots of pressure about the book before I was done with it. Things have progressed enough that I feel more comfortable about the final product. The first draft is done, the development edit phase is over (thanks Candace!!) and most of the copy edit phase is done as well (thanks Sharon!!).

Web Analytics: An Hour a Day, is the first book by a active web analytics practitioner. From my humble experience in web research and analytics I hope to bring a fresh and completely different perspective to this wonderful world of numbers that we all exist in.
I have written the book as a practical real world guide to the world of web analytics. It expands the definition of web analytics, shares lessons from the front lines and is loaded with tips, tricks, new ideas and mindsets, all of which are geared todays making your journey a easier one.
The book goes beyond Web Analytics concepts and definitions to provide a step-by-step guide to implementing a successful web analytics strategy. It shares a revolutionary approach to web analytics that challenges prevalent thinking about the field and will guide you, step-by-step, to a solution that will provide truly informed and actionable insights.
Please visit the companion website for the book to read a detailed outline of Web Analytics: An Hour a Day, you’ll learn all about the contents, chapters and more.
The little book that could.
Perhaps the most exciting thing about the book is that my wife Jennie and I have decided to donate 100% of our proceeds from the book to charity.
I have a deep passion for the world of decision making on the web and a practical manifestation of that is this blog, truly in every sense a labor of love. It was only fitting that a book that has its genesis in the blog should build on that love and passion benefit others.
First time authors, such as myself, make very little money from their book contract. But from my job salary I would never have been able to donate that amount to my favorite charities. I am thrilled beyond belief that in its small way my humble effort will turn into something that will benefit others.
Every single cent from the book, including proceeds from amazon affiliate sales, will go to charity.
50% of my book proceeds will go to The Smile Train, they change the lives of children in the developing world by performing cleft surgery. The other 50% of the proceeds will go to Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders), they provide emergency medical assistance across the world and bring relief to thousands each year. Jennie and I have supported these charities for a while now, but the book will enable us to support them at a scale that we otherwise would not be able to.
If you buy the book I am confident that you will get actionable and impactful outcomes for your own web analytics efforts, but in buying the book you will also join me in my humble effort to make a small difference to this wonderful world of ours.
How can you help?
I would love to to have your help (if you would like to offer it, you are absolutely not obligated in any way to help):
# 1. Please consider buying the book, it is a very good book. You can pre-order it on amazon.com (you will get the lowest price guaranteed) or from any other source that you prefer to buy your books from (try this listing of where you can buy).
# 2. Help me spread the word for the book. If you find value in the ideas, suggestions and guidance shared in this blog then you’ll find more of the same in the book. Yet very few people read blogs, I could use your help in sharing the news of the book with others. The website for the book is www.webanalyticshour.com.
# 3. Please share your opinion. I would like to put a page on the www.webanalyticshour.com website that has some advance praise for the book. Would you like to share some praise that I can publish? Anything short or long about the blog or the ideas here or concepts that you have found helpful. You can email me your praise with your name, title and website url (or have it be completely anonymous). My email is blog at kaushik dot net.
A note of thanks.
It was ten times harder to write this book then I had anticipated, way too many sixteen hour non stop days of writing. It would not have been possible if 1) I did not have a good cause to write the book for and 2) without the the encouragement and participation by all of you on this blog, both of those things were very strong motivators and I am thankful to all of you.
As always please share your feedback via comments.
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