Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
YouTube Director lets SMBs film professional video ads from their phone Jun 15, 2016 by Amy Gesenhues In addition to the new ad tool, YouTube is providing advertisers in select cities access to professional filmmakers to help create ads.
Green is in, yellow is out in Google text ad labels Jun 15, 2016 by Ginny Marvin Instead of yellow, Google is rolling out a green “Ad” label for text ads in search results.
Social intelligence platform Unmetric launches Discover feature so marketers can see what other marketers have done Jun 15, 2016 by Barry Levine To focus brainstorming in a new campaign, marketers can find paid or organic posts by brands in their industry around popular topics.
Taboola teams with AppNexus to sell native placements programmatically Jun 15, 2016 by Ginny Marvin The deal opens up Taboola’s native ad inventory to programmatic buyers using the AppNexus DSP.
The importance of micro-moments: The mobile customer journey Jun 15, 2016 by Jim Yu Columnist Jim Yu explains how smart marketers are utilizing search data to better serve mobile users and beat out the competition.
Tap into the power of your brand’s influencers Jun 15, 2016 by Digital Marketing Depot What is the power of an influencer versus the general population? And are their recommendations worth more than those of the average consumer? Download this white paper from ReadyPulse to learn about the impact of a conversation with an influencer as it relates to the final outcome in the mind of the buying consumer.
7 e-commerce SEO trends we’re seeing in 2016 Jun 15, 2016 by Jayson DeMers For those managing search engine optimization for e-commerce websites, contributor Jayson DeMers has some advice for what to focus on to stay ahead of the competition.
Twitter will let brands target ads based on the emojis people use ????? Jun 15, 2016 by Tim Peterson Twitter’s move to allow brands to target ads based on the emojis included in tweets isn’t so weird if you consider emojis another type of keyword.
Why pizza emojis and fridge cams are harbingers of industry changes ahead Jun 15, 2016 by Merrily McGugan All companies are becoming technology companies, argues columnist Merrily McGugan, and this has serious implications for marketers.
Facebook: 1.15 billion people log in using at least two devices or browsers every 3 months Jun 15, 2016 by Tim Peterson Facebook is finally putting a number on how many people use multiple devices and browsers to demonstrate the cookie’s inability to measure those movements.
IBM’s Watson now powers Lucy, a cognitive computing system built specifically for marketers Jun 15, 2016 by Barry Levine Via menus or conversational English queries, a marketer can ask questions of any data from any platform, for research, segmentation or media planning.
Merkle launches addressable ad solution that builds audiences from publisher, advertiser & Merkle data Jun 15, 2016 by Ginny Marvin Publisher Addressable Marketplaces said to be the first to offer people-based targeting and measurement across a network of premium publishers.
Here’s how to position yourself to be a new mobile leader Jun 15, 2016 by Josh Todd Who’s in charge of mobile in your organization? Columnist Josh Todd believes that thanks to rapid changes in the industry, we’ll see the emergence of new kinds of mobile leaders.
Why big brands sponsor Little League (and why you might want to, too) Jun 15, 2016 by Megan Hannay In this first post in a series on community marketing, columnist Megan Hannay dives into the benefits and corporate motivations for local sponsorships and offers some ROI measurements sponsors may be missing.
Facebook VP: 5 years from now, your News Feed will be “probably all video” Jun 14, 2016 by Matt McGee Facebook’s Nicola Mendelsohn says the service is seeing fewer text posts and predicts that the News Feed could be “all video” in five years.
12 things successful PPC managers do in the morning Jun 14, 2016 by Pauline Jakober How can you ensure success for your PPC campaigns? Columnist Pauline Jakober believes it’s all about learning good habits and describes her agency’s daily morning routine.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Moz shows you how to clean up your citations to rank higher in search
Google says keywords in the TLD part of your URL are ignored for ranking purposes
New survey says Google Maps favored by nearly 70 percent of iPhone users
Common misconceptions when measuring SEO content performance
How to quickly find and export all subdomains indexed by Google
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Analytics Anxiety? Never Again with this Simple Framework, blog.kissmetrics.com
Take These to Your CEO: Marketing Metrics That Matter, adage.com
Website Publishing Platform Digs Deeper Into Analytics, www.cmswire.com
Blogs & Blogging
5 Google Font Combinations That Will Make Your Blog’s Design Sing, www.problogger.net
Five Essential Photography Tips for Bloggers, www.blogherald.com
How To Bring Your Old Blog Posts Back From The Dead, www.blogherald.com
Why We Only Accept 1 Out of Every 10 Guest Blog Pitches, moz.com
Business Issues
Content Marketing
9 Actions Content Marketers Need to Do Right Now, contentmarketinginstitute.com
Become More Relevant By Finding the Right Influencer for You, www.convinceandconvert.com
Facebook Marketing Partners Specialty Showcase: Content Marketing, www.facebook.com
How can we improve content discovery networks? A study of clickbait, econsultancy.com
Marketers: Stop Promoting Underperforming Content and Damaging Your Brand, www.socialbakers.com
The B2B Content Personalization Arms Race is Coming, www.martechadvisor.com
Copywriting, Design & Usability
Designing Modular UI Systems Via Style Guide-Driven Development, www.smashingmagazine.com
Understanding Us: A New Frontier for User Experience, www.uxmatters.com
Why Your Website Needs Trust Symbols, www.searchenginejournal.com
Net is trending in Com, domainnamewire.com
3 Ways E-Commerce Sites Can Avoid Being Creepy, www.cmswire.com
Alibaba Faces Backlash Over Promises on Counterfeits, www.wsj.com
How consumer packaged goods firms can grow their online sales, www.internetretailer.com
Nearly a third of shoppers plan to buy online for Father’s Day, www.internetretailer.com
Traditional Approach to Shopper Marketing No Longer Cuts It, www.emarketer.com
Email Marketing
Email Marketing Tops Advertisers’ Software Must-Have Lists, www.emarketer.com
How Is Reaching the Email Inbox Like Getting on Kanye’s VIP List?, www.marketingprofs.com
The B2B Email Marketer’s Playbook, movableink.com
The Do’s and Don’s of Email Campaigns for Nonprofits, www.verticalresponse.com
General Internet Marketing
Father’s Day in the Age of Digital Dads: 4 Tips for Marketers, www.martechadvisor.com
Four Burning Issues on the Minds of CMOs, adage.com
The Ultimate Guide to GIFs: How to Create Them, When to Use Them and Why They’re Essential for Every Marketer, blog.bufferapp.com
Internet Marketing Industry
AppLift Announces DataLift 360, Uniting the App Marketing Process Across the Entire App Lifecycle, www.marketwired.com
Vya Unveils Survey & Invite Management Systems for Franchise Marketers, www.ireachcontent.com
Best of Breed Tech Fuels High Growth, blog.marketo.com
Eyeview, Israeli Video Ads MarTech Firm, Raises $21.5 Million to Enhance Outcome-Based Video Marketing Technology, www.martechadvisor.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
5 True Stories That Will Revolutionize Your Mobile Strategy, www.jeffbullas.com
Android Facebook Messenger Users Can Send, Receive SMS Messages, www.adweek.com
Apple will require HTTPS connections for iOS apps by the end of 2016, TechCrunch
Earn more from mobile: 3 rules and 6 best practices, adsense.googleblog.com
How retailers can build successful summertime mobile campaigns, www.internetretailer.com
Mobile Marketing: What Artificial Intelligence, Messaging, Bots, and Smart Matter Will Change, www.tune.com
What devices can tell us about consumer intent, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
Why Facebook is now embracing SMS, venturebeat.com
You Can Delay Mobile Optimization No Longer, smallbiztrends.com
Other Items
Safari in macOS Sierra Deactivates Flash and Other Plug-ins By Default, www.macrumors.com
Social Media
12 Of The Most Common Pain Points for Social Media Buyers, Solved, www.socialmediatoday.com
26 Tips to Improve Your Pinterest Marketing, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
Facebook content and brand strategies that win in a silent autoplay world, techcrunch.com
How Facebook’s Filter Bubble Warped My Perception of Reality, contently.com
How To Use Twitter To Generate Leads and Grow Your Business, www.webpresence.tv
I Automated My Tweets for 30 Days and This is What Happened, inbound.org
LinkedIn Advertising: Time for a Second Look?, www.practicalecommerce.com
Marketers Rely on Visual Content for Social Platforms, www.emarketer.com
More than half online users get news from Facebook, YouTube and Twitter: study, www.reuters.com
Snapchat’s aggressive ad push risks user backlash, digiday.com
Twitter Tweaks Block Button, www.adweek.com
What Instagram’s Algorithm Change Means for Marketers, www.cmswire.com
Why Aren’t B2B Marketers Listening in on Social Media?, www.cmswire.com
Why Social Media Is the Perfect PR Channel, www.adweek.com
You can now retweet yourself, because you’re good enough, smart enough, and you like you, www.theverge.com
Day in the Life: What BuzzFeed’s VR expert does, digiday.com
Find Your Most Interested Fans With Facebook Video Remarketing, PPC Hero
How Facebook and Instagram Video Growth Is Benefitting Brands, TV and Sports, www.adweek.com
How One of YouTube’s Most Hypnotic Stars Is Building a Brand Around His ‘Cardistry’, www.adweek.com
What’s the optimum length for my online video?, econsultancy.com