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Marketing Day: Yelp Down 3 Hours, Pinterest Lands $200M, Google Glass’ New Leader

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Yelpocaplyse Resolved: Yelp Returns After 3-Hour Lunch Break Yelp may be down for some of you right now. We’re experiencing networking issues, but working to get back up to speed ASAP. — Yelp (@Yelp) May 16, 2014 Just as thousands of people in the Eastern time zone started casting about for a place to eat lunch today, Yelp suffered an outage. The site […]

  2. How The Second Machine Age Will Transform Marketing The incredible change we’re all experiencing these days is highly fractal. Similar patterns are emerging at many levels, and we can learn a lot by zooming in and zooming out. For instance, we can talk about how marketing technology is changing — which it is, at a phenomenal pace. But we can also go higher […]

  3. Vendors, Listen Up! Here’s How Your Marketing Software Can Stand Out The reality for the modern marketer is that while the discussion about SEO resources (in the form of software and tech tools) may be getting long in the tooth; it continues to occur and evolve as the market itself matures. Companies big, small and in the middle — not only in search but in digital […]

  4. With Latest $200M Round Pinterest On Path Toward IPO How could Pinterest be valued at $5 billion if it has so little revenue? That’s the question many incredulous journalists are asking after news yesterday that the “scrapbooking” site had raised another $200 million, bring its total funding to $764 million. The site only recently launched its first ad units, promoted pins. However the company is asking […]

  5. 3 Steps To Factoring In Upper-Funnel Metrics & Predicting Revenue If you’re an online marketer that wants to improve conversions on your direct-response channel(s), this column will help you to create a multi-touch and multi-action predictive model for your conversion funnel that allows you to make better budget allocation and bid optimization-related decisions. Start by focusing on two issues. First, not only should the end conversion numbers be tied back […]

  6. Google Names Ivy Ross As First Head Of Glass Division Google has added another executive with retail experience to its Google Glass management team. Late Thursday night, the company announced that Ivy Ross will become the first Head of Google Glass — the person in charge of the overall Glass division. Ross will start at Google on Monday (May 19). She has VP-level experience at […]

  7. 10 People Who Want To Be Forgotten By Google, From An Attempted Murderer To A Cyberstalker Who wants things removed from Google under the newly declared “right to be forgotten” in the European Union? A convicted cyberstalker, an attempted murderer, a politician, a business with bad reviews and a pedophile are among those making such requests to Google. Yesterday, the BBC noted the first three of the cases listed below. Marketing Land has […]

  8. Smartphone Share: Another Look At Devices Vs. Web Traffic The headline of today’s Chitika North American smartphone usage report is that Windows Phone has finally and firmly established itself as the number three operating system. It now has the third-largest share of web traffic among mobile OSs in North America. According to Chitika’s examination of “hundreds of millions of US and Canadian smartphone-based online ad impressions” in […]

  9. Spredfast Releases Spark, A Social Tool For In-The-Moment Marketing Aiming to aid brands with their in-the-moment marketing, Spredfast today announced the release of Spark, a new social media dashboard that enables users “to tune into timely moments and conversations the minute they start.” We’ve well documented the trend of newsjacking — most recently and notably Arby’s and Pharrell Williams’ hat — by socially savvy […]

  10. Marketing On Pinterest? Here’s Some Data About Pinners’ Daily Obsessions Pinterest bills itself as “the world’s largest human created collection of things,” with more than 30 billion pins on 750 million boards. It’s a treasure trove of data about user interests that Pinterest digs into to serve more relevant related content to Pinners. Today, it shared some interesting information about Pinterest user behavior that could […]

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