Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
Startup Mabaya Lands $2.25 Million To Expand Its “Digital Shelf Space” Platform Into U.S. Dec 17, 2015 by Barry Levine The Tel Aviv-based firm currently supports several large retailers in Europe and elsewhere with its pay-for-product-placement technology.
A CMO’s View: Luxury Brand Marketing Is About Authenticity, Says XOJET CMO Dec 17, 2015 by Amy Gesenhues Shari Jones, CMO for the private jet charter company, shares her insights on creating digital marketing strategies for a luxury brand.
MarketingLand Publisher Seeks E-Commerce/Marketing Leader Dec 17, 2015 by Marketing Land VP of E-Commerce & Marketing will be responsible for growing ticket sales for Third Door Media’s marketing conference series.
Final Chance To Save On SMX West. Register Today! Dec 17, 2015 by Marketing Land Join us for sister site Search Engine Land’s SMX West, the only conference dedicated to SEO and SEM. Our lowest rates expire on Saturday, so sign up today and get: Three days of innovative sessions, keynotes and clinics — more than 60 of them in all — presented by expert marketers.
How To Take Advantage Of The Recovery Search Opportunity On iOS 9 Dec 17, 2015 by Adam Dorfman With the release of iOS 9, search marketers may now have to consider Apple Search in their quest for greater search visibility. Columnist Adam Dorfman explains.
10 Reasons Why You, The Search Marketer, Can Call Yourself A Data Scientist Dec 17, 2015 by Josh Dreller You may consider yourself a paid search marketer, but columnist Josh Dreller explains why “data scientist” may well be a fitting label.
Pinterest Brings Price Drop Notifications To Buyable Pins Dec 17, 2015 by Martin Beck Notifications will now come via app and email for price drops on Buyable Pins.
Nielsen: Top Apps Of 2015 Dominated By Facebook, Google & Apple Dec 17, 2015 by Greg Sterling Nielsen has released a look at the top smartphone apps of 2015. Amazingly the top ten reflects the properties of just three companies: Facebook, Google and Apple. Nielsen also said that smartphone penetration grew to 80 percent in the US at the end of the third quarter.
Goodbye Keyword Optimization — Welcome To The Age of Topical Optimization Dec 17, 2015 by Stoney deGeyter Columnist Stoney deGeyter believes we have moved beyond “traditional” keyword optimization and should now focus more on building topical authority. But just how do we do that?
Buffer Expands Beyond Social Management Into Customer Service With Acquisition Of Respond.ly Dec 17, 2015 by Barry Levine The two brands and dashboards will remain separate but connected, as Buffer seeks to add social responsiveness to its publishing capabilities.
Google: Demographics Not As Good As Intent (Search) For Mobile Targeting Dec 17, 2015 by Greg Sterling Facebook’s rich demographic and interest-based data have made it a powerful marketing platform and the major challenger to Google. But without mentioning Facebook by name, Google argues in a new “Think with Google” post that “consumer intent is more powerful than demographics” as a targeting methodology, especially in mobile.
Facebook Opens Live Streaming Video To Brands With Verified Pages Dec 17, 2015 by Martin Beck The social network moves closer to being a full-fledged Periscope competitor.
TrueView To The Rescue: Homer Simpson’s “Mr. Plow” Business Is Saved In New Ad For YouTube Dec 17, 2015 by Ginny Marvin YouTube also says the number of SMB advertisers on the platform has doubled in the past two years.
Mobile Commerce: 5 Ways Your Company Can Improve Dec 17, 2015 by Aaron Strout Are you making it easy enough for your customers to shop using their mobile devices? Columnist Aaron Strout offers some ways to boost consumers’ mobile experience.
Smashing Old Silos: The Necessary Integration Of Search, Social And Content Dec 17, 2015 by Maggie Malek Columnist Maggie Malek explains why your search, social and content teams must work together to help drive your brand’s vision and resonate with consumers.
5 Predictions For Mobile SEO In 2016 Dec 17, 2015 by Bryson Meunier As mobile search continues to evolve, columnist Bryson Meunier lays out what you should expect in the coming year to stay a step ahead of the competition.
Seismic Now Allows Marketers To Better See How Sales Uses Their Content Dec 17, 2015 by Barry Levine The addition of a new Marketing Suite to its sales enablement platform provides marketers with approval workflows and effectiveness tracking.
Social Media Agency Case Study, PR Psychographics Earn WSJ Article Dec 17, 2015 by Sponsored Content: aimClear Drive great KPIs, including social signals, links, interviews, quote requests and other earned media.
Lithium Gives Its Community Owners A Holiday Present They Need: Stats Dec 16, 2015 by Barry Levine With Value Analytics and Cohort Benchmarking, the Lithium-enabled brand communities can directly gauge user satisfaction and see industry comparisons.
Buyer’s Guide: SEO Software Platforms Dec 16, 2015 by Digital Marketing Depot With hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, and even millions of pages, sites and keywords to manage and optimize, enterprise SEO has become increasingly complicated and time-consuming. Using an enterprise SEO software platform can increase efficiency and productivity while reducing the time and errors involved in managing organic search campaigns.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Affiliate Marketing
Business Issues
Apple Names Jeff Williams Chief Operating Officer, www.apple.com
Buffer acquires Twitter customer service tool Respondly, venturebeat.com
Facebook puts a price on suburban living for employees, www.reuters.com
Goodbye, Dubai: Yahoo to Shutter Final Office in Mideast, recode.net
Revealed: how Google enlisted members of US Congress it bankrolled to fight $6bn EU antitrust case, www.theguardian.com
Content Marketing
10 Social Tactics to Get Your Content Seen, blog.marketo.com
Content Curation for Marketers: The Definitive Guide, www.siegemedia.com
How dynamic content makes this marketer’s life so much easier, myemma.com
How to Use Industry Insights to Improve Your Content Strategy, www.convinceandconvert.com
Making Great Content: A Wizard of Oz Approach, www.internetmarketingninjas.com
The Awesome Content that Drives the Surfing Industry, www.webinknow.com
Understanding Your Content Marketing Goals Before Setting Metrics, www.marketingprofs.com
What Happens When a Brand Embraces Its Story?, www.convinceandconvert.com
Conversion Optimization
The Real Role Your Homepage Plays In The Conversion Process, blog.kissmetrics.com
Copywriting, Design & Usability
5 Common Challenges Faced By UI Designers, usabilitygeek.com
5 Minute Copywriting Hack: Do You Really Speak Your Customer’s Language?, harrisonamy.com
Copywriting Tips to Take Your Content to the Next Level, www.searchenginejournal.com
How Data And Design Thinking Drive IBM’s Digital Marketing Engine, adexchanger.com
Google Buys The Domain ABCDEFGHIJK.com, www.thedomains.com
Amazon Rolls Out A Referral Program To Encourage More Customers To Shop On Mobile, techcrunch.com
It’s Amazon and no one else at the center of shoppers’ attention, www.internetretailer.com
Omnichannel Retailer, Watch Out For These Customer Experience Hurdles, multichannelmerchant.com
PayPal’s first-ever Super Bowl ad will promote its vision of the future of money, qz.com
The Missing Leak In Marketplaces, techcrunch.com
Email Marketing
Holiday email activity report, blog.movableink.com
New research shows email service providers are in serious trouble, venturebeat.com
General Internet Marketing
Advertising on Hulu, Everything You Need to Know, ignitevisibility.com
40 Online Marketing Strategies Experts Recommend for 2016, www.searchenginepeople.com
Account-Based Marketing: Past, Present, and Future, blog.kissmetrics.com
ADI “Digital Trends Report 2015”: IoT Is A-OK With Consumers, www.cmo.com
Spoiler Alert: How to Resist Falling to the Dark Side of Digital Marketing, www.toprankblog.com
Internet Marketing Industry
Amobee Launches Cross Device OutStream Video Solution, www.marketwired.com
Viraltag Integrates Marketing Platform with Pinterest, blog.viraltag.com
Infographics Expert Alberto Cairo Joins Univision, corporate.univision.com
Adobe Post Now Available, blog.post.adobe.com
Full Circle Insights Closes Series B Funding, www.prnewswire.com
nFusion Welcomes Google, HERE, Sitecore and Others to Client Roster, www.marketwired.com
Publishers Form Global Task Force on Ad Blocking, www.wan-ifra.org
What Spredfast’s New Chief Revenue Officer Means for the Company, www.spredfast.com
5 Automation Tools to Boost Your Small Business Social Reach, smallbiztrends.com
Can Software Solve Your Content Problems?, www.cmswire.com
This Ad-Tech Company Thinks Interactive Video Ads Can Bypass Ad Blockers, www.adweek.com
With No Exit In Sight, Ad Tech Gets Lean Through Layoffs, adexchanger.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
6 Reasons Why Hyperlocal Tech Initiatives Continue to Elude Consumers, streetfightmag.com
Google Hangouts for Android rumored to drop text messaging feature, venturebeat.com
Holiday Shopping Goes Even More Mobile, www.adweek.com
Holy trinity of digital: Mobile video, data and artificial intelligence, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
The Smartphone App Retention Challenge, www.emarketer.com
Top Trends for Mobile Advertising and Data Science in 2016, adage.com
Reputation Management
Governing Brand Identity in the Age of Social Media, contentmarketinginstitute.com
What to Do and Not to Do with Online Profile Photos, www.compukol.com
Social Media
2016 Pinterest & Instagram Content Calendars, blog.tailwindapp.com
A Quick Guide to Visual Marketing on Facebook for 2016, www.socialmediaexplorer.com
Do new features make Facebook a viable customer service platform?, econsultancy.com
Facebook Messenger’s face recognition tool rolls out to everyone outside of Canada and the EU, venturebeat.com
How Facebook at Work Is Getting Tested by Its First Global Marketing Agency, www.adweek.com
How to Perform a Detailed Analysis of Your Social Media Competitors, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
Quality Over Quantity: Content & Social Media Lessons from ’15, www.bruceclay.com
The Powerful 17 Step Journey of a Simple Tweet, www.jeffbullas.com
The Ultimate Social Media Image Size Guide 2016, www.blogherald.com
Working with the Instagram and Snapchat elite isn’t easy for brands, digiday.com
Chat it up, streamers! New Live Chat, Fan Funding & Sponsorships APIs, youtube-eng.blogspot.com
How to Craft Your Video Content Marketing Strategy, smallbiztrends.com
Warm Up to Video this Holiday Season with YouTube, googleandyourbusiness.blogspot.com
YouTube and NBC News present Democratic primary debate in South Carolina, youtube-global.blogspot.com