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Marketing Day: World Cup On Social Media, Apple Location Tracking & MLB Channels Taylor Swift

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Facebook And Twitter Want You To Talk About The #WorldCup On Their Field Facebook and Twitter, locked in a battle to be the world’s leading source of what used to be called water-cooler conversation, are both targeting the World Cup, the month-long quadrennial soccer event that starts Thursday in Brazil. It’s a huge and passionate target audience. FIFA, soccer’s international governing body, said that 3.2 million people watched […]

  2. Has Apple Killed Location Tracking With iOS 8? Hint: No Various news outlets are now reporting that Apple has effectively killed location tracking or offline analytics for iPhones with a change in iOS 8 that conceals the phone’s correct MAC address. That’s not exactly true, however. Here’s a slide from a presentation given at WWDC last week that explains the change: Ad networks, WiFi hotspots […]

  3. Beer Brand Invites Fans To Experience Exotic Locales With GPS Imprinted Bottle Caps Mexican beer brand Pacifico is offering people the chance to experience its laid-back lifestyle with the a new campaign entitled Yellow Caps. As background, the term Yellow Caps was coined by bartenders and refers to the brand’s yellow bottle caps which are easier to find in crowded beer coolers. The Yellow Caps campaign, created by […]

  4. Marin Partners With Channel Factory To Bridge Paid Search And YouTube Video Advertising Marin Software has teamed up with video distribution and data platform, Channel Factory, to allow marketers to harness their paid search data to improve contextual targeting of their video ad campaigns on YouTube. “Brands are not effectively leveraging the data from their multi-platform campaigns, and are therefore not able to optimize and gain true insight […]

  5. The Rich Media Messaging/Sweepstakes Combo Wins For Brands And Participants Margarine, potatoes, artificial intelligence, Femat’s Last Theorem, steam tractors, canned goods. The common link? Sweepstakes. Dating from the 15th century, sweepstakes have been used to motivate the masses — incentivized, of course, by a handsome prize. The aforementioned inventions were the result of governments, companies and individuals calling on the public to solve major problems […]

  6. The New Anything/Anyone Goes Competitive Landscape For Content Marketing Firms Recently, I was chatting with the CEO of one of the leading digital agencies. Talk turned to competitors, and I asked what firms his firm found itself bidding against most frequently. Usual-suspect names cropped up (Digitas, Sapient Nitro). But so did PwC, a name that would have never cropped up in the same discussion five […]

  7. Social Media The Most Efficient Channel — Report Neustar has released its Q1 2014 Media Intelligence Report, based on customer data comprising 28 billion impressions across 152 billion “ad events” from 1300 “inventory providers” in multiple verticals. (Search marketing was not part of the analysis.) On the basis of looking all that data, Neustar pronounces social media the most cost effective channel in Q1. It also found […]

  8. Cute Alert: @MLB Channels Taylor Swift With A Twitter “Love Story” The Twitter accounts of Major League Baseball and many of its teams serenaded fans with a Taylor Swift-inspired tweet campaign this afternoon, tweeting lyrics to Swift’s hit song “Love Story.” It really must be seen to be appreciated. Or as Matthew T. Hall of the San Diego UT, put it: “You have to see this […]

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