Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
Bridging the gaps in the Google My Business API Jun 27, 2016 by Brian Smith Each update to the Google My Business API makes life easier for those of us managing locations at scale, but columnist Brian Smith notes that gaps in the automation process have yet to be addressed.
Enterprise Local Marketing Automation Platforms: A Marketer’s Guide – Updated for 2016 Jun 27, 2016 by Digital Marketing Depot Marketing Land and Digital Marketing Depot have published the third edition of “Enterprise Local Marketing Automation Platforms: A Marketer’s Guide.” This MarTech Intelligence Report examines the market for local marketing automation software platforms and the considerations involved in implementation.
What does intent data mean for the data-driven marketer? Jun 27, 2016 by Sean Zinsmeister Columnist Sean Zinsmeister takes a deep dive into intent data, explaining how you can use it to increase your predictive power and revenue.
The “meta” content formatting cheat sheet guide Jun 27, 2016 by Quinn Whissen Columnist Quinn Whissen offers guidelines on how to format your online articles to help you decrease your editing time, improve the quality of your content and better optimize it for search.
MarTech Landscape: What are Creative Management Platforms (CMPs) and Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO)? Jun 27, 2016 by Barry Levine Both employ computer-assisted techniques to address zillions of programmatic ad targets, but they do it differently.
How to run a conversion-focused Facebook Ads campaign Jun 27, 2016 by Khalid Saleh How do you create a successful Facebook ad campaign? Columnist Khalid Saleh offers four conversion tips to help you increase leads and get the most out of Facebook.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Bing Ads’ Lynne Kjolso talks growth after Yahoo, LinkedIn, voice search & quick wins
Google clarifies Keyword Planner doesn’t require an active campaign
Google facing likelihood of third antitrust complaint in Europe
“Enterprise Local Marketing Automation Platforms: A Marketer’s Guide” – Updated for 2016
Google’s Sundeep Jain on the Expanded Text Ad rollout, device bidding, similar audiences & more
Is selling SEO services getting harder or are SEOs just not good at it?
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Affiliate Marketing
5 Strategies to Activate (High-producing) Affiliates, www.practicalecommerce.com
Understanding Affiliate Marketing Lingo (Glossary of Terms), sugarrae.com
4 Must-Read Affiliate Marketing Reports, www.tune.com
Viewable Cost Per View: The Ultimate Metric For Video Advertising, adexchanger.com
Web Analytics Analysis: How to Find Problem Areas & A/B Test Ideas, conversionxl.com
Blogs & Blogging
10 Simple Editing Hacks For DIY Bloggers, www.jeffbullas.com
How Bloggers Can Benefit From Google’s Rich Answers, www.problogger.net
Why Your Blog is Failing to Reach 1,000 Pageviews, www.searchenginejournal.com
Business Issues
Content Marketing
7 Content Marketing Lessons From Rand Fishkin’s Whiteboard Fridays, contentmarketinginstitute.com
Top 5 Lead-Generating Ideas for Your Content Marketing, contentmarketinginstitute.com
Want to Differentiate Your Content? Aim for Interaction, www.blogherald.com
Conversion Optimization
Copywriting, Design & Usability
Client Experience Design, www.smashingmagazine.com
How Marketers Can Improve ROI on Customer Experience, adage.com
Mapping Your DX Strategy, www.cmswire.com
The Next Big Thing in User Experience, Part 1, www.uxmatters.com
Why Using the .Social Domain Can Help Your Customers Find Your Content, www.marketingprofs.com
5 Psychological Barriers Stopping You From Upgrading Your Ecommerce Platform, company-enterprise.myshopify.com
Amazon to Add Dozens of Brands to Dash Buttons, but Do Shoppers Want Them?, www.wsj.com
eBay Hires Alyssa Cutright, Prepares for Post-PayPal World, smallbiztrends.com
Ecommerce in the UK post-Brexit: Positives, negatives & opportunities, econsultancy.com
Report: Brexit could put Amazon’s U.K. growth on ice, www.retaildive.com
Which is the Best Online Marketplace: Amazon, Etsy or Ebay?, smallbiztrends.com
Email Marketing
6 Ecommerce Email Marketing Campaigns for Q3 2016, www.practicalecommerce.com
How The Entertainer uses personalised, dynamic email content, econsultancy.com
Optimizing Email Open and Response Rates on Independence Day, www.martechadvisor.com
Update Your Email Strategy With These 2016 Email Trends, smallbiztrends.com
General Internet Marketing
5 Steps to Boost B2B Marketing Productivity, www.convinceandconvert.com
How Nation’s Top 200 Marketers Are Honing Digital Strategies, adage.com
How will Brexit impact digital businesses and marketers?, econsultancy.com
Internet Marketing Industry
The Total Audience Report: Q1 2016, www.nielsen.com
Twenga Solutions becomes a Google AdWords Premier SME Partner in the United Kingdom, www.twenga-solutions.com
3 Ways to Embrace AI Advancements in Consumer-Facing Businesses, multichannelmerchant.com
A new sales technology stack is coming, techcrunch.com
How Chat Technology Can Make You a Personalization Pro, www.convinceandconvert.com
To Reap Ad-Tech ROI, End-User Adoption Is The Secret Sauce, adexchanger.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
8 Mobile Marketing Trends You Can’t Ignore, www.internetmarketingninjas.com
Mobile app shops: Diversify or die, venturebeat.com
Mobile commerce in review: Keeping it simple, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
Six Eye-Opening Mobile Trends for 2016, smallbiztrends.com
Survey: 28% of U.S. Adults Have Paid for an App or In-App Purchase, www.adweek.com
The mobile publisher’s perspective: Why we’re still talking about transparency, venturebeat.com
Reputation Management
Community Tips for Improving Your Online Reputation, smallbiztrends.com
Social Media
10 Ways to Use Snapchat for Business, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
3 Lessons From 16M+ Social Media Posts, www.searchenginejournal.com
5 Ways to Become a Better Social Marketer Today, simplymeasured.com
8-Second Pitch: What Snapchat, Twitter and Your Marketing Approach Should Have in Common, www.silverpop.com
All of Facebook’s Ad Targeting Options (in One Epic Infographic), www.wordstream.com
Facebook Engagement Audiences: More Ways to Retarget, 3qdigital.com
Facebook launches human-curated Featured Events list, techcrunch.com
Facebook Marketing Partners Specialty Showcase: Community Management, www.facebook.com
Facebook Testing New Pages Layout?, www.adweek.com
How an Archive of the Internet Could Change History, www.nytimes.com
How to Find Winning Instagram Trends For Your Content, www.newswhip.com
How to Target Local Customers With Facebook Ads, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
How To Use Images To Boost Engagement on Facebook, www.newswhip.com
How To Use LinkedIn For Marketing, www.searchenginepeople.com
How Twitter’s Emoji Targeted Ads Might End Up Just Being Annoying, www.socialmediaexplorer.com
Introducing #Stickers on Twitter, www.Twitter.com
Social Media Tips for the Time-Starved Business Owner, blogs.constantcontact.com
The Art of Starting a Real Conversation through Social Media, www.martechadvisor.com
What’s New on Facebook Business this Month, www.facebook.com
Why People Share Content on Facebook, www.marketingprofs.com
Confessions of online video execs: ‘We’re all immature’, digiday.com
Facebook rolls out Slideshow movie-maker to compete with Google and Apple, techcrunch.com
Google, Facebook quietly move toward automatic blocking of extremist videos, www.reuters.com
New App Install Marketing Study: Video Creative Best Practices, www.adcolony.com
The Vertical’s First-Ever Live Draft Show Totals More Than 3.7 Million Total Views, yahoo.tumblr.com
Tips for Adopting Virtual Reality in Your Business, smallbiztrends.com
Will Facebook’s $50 Million Gamble Pay Off?, contently.com
YouTube Is Beefing Up Its Live Video Game to Compete With Facebook and Periscope, www.adweek.com
YouTube Red Gets First High-Profile Original Series, adage.com