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Marketing Day: What I Wish My CMO Knew About Brand Identity, HubSpot’s IPO & More

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Have you seen Kevin’s lost iguana? Well, if HP has its way, you’ll be seeing pleas for help finding Ralph in a variety of social channels.

It’s a common refrain that consumers are moving faster and changing habits more quickly than marketers can keep pace with. We’ve seen it happening in mobile and a new study underscores how businsses are missing out on key connections throughout the so-called “customer journey”. With devices at our fingertips, we want and seek out information […]

Want to take advantage of a growing mobile audience this holiday season? It’s not too late. Columnist Brent Hieggelke shares his advice.

Today’s anonymous contributor wishes the CMO knew that successful brands aren’t built on having perfect marketing materials, but on having personality and a voice.

It’s a pleasure to share the formal announcement of a new section of Marketing Land that we’re calling the CMO Zone, along with several new regular features that are written for and about C-level marketers. CMO Zone is our go-to resource for marketing executives, those who work with them, or anyone interested in broader marketing […]

HubSpot had a good first day on Wall Street. The Massachusetts-based marketing software company is worth about $914 million after its stock closed at $30.10 — 20% higher than the $25 opening price — on the New York Stock Exchange. HubSpot raised $125 million from the IPO, selling 5 million shares at the $25 price […]

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