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Marketing Day: Twitter Video Ads, Apple Drops Ad Blocks & Pew Study

Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

Take the Biggest Social Geek quiz and and prove you’re the geek to beat.

At 90%, young Americans still are most likely to use social networks, but growth in use among those 65 and older is surging.

Apps like Been Choice that install root certificates on users’ phones have been removed from the App Store. Apple says it’s working with developers to make privacy-safe modifications.

Want to target an audience that’s already interested in your service offerings? Contributor Tamar Weinberg explains how to identify and capture your competitors’ customers.

Don’t get caught up in the all-too-common impulse to chase view counts. Columnist Michael Litt explains why you need to first figure out your goals and then determine how to measure video marketing success.

Of all the worldwide search queries occurring right now on Google, mobile now makes up more than half officially taking the worldwide lead over desktop for the first time ever.

Publishing native video on Twitter no longer requires a mobile device.

The test will allow advertisers to show ads in organic videos and eliminates the need to have direct publisher deals.

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