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Marketing Day: Twitter To Track Mobile Apps, Social Media Usage Report & Engagement Analytics

Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. 10-Year-Old “Karissa The Destroyer” Punks Gamers In Marketing Stunt We’ve seen many a marketing stunt in our time and, done well, they never get old. After all, what’s more fun than getting a bunch of people to believe something that’s not actually true and then revealing it all? Especially when it involves a cute, ten-year-old girl who is a gaming prodigy. Or so everyone […]

  2. Twitter Will Track The Mobile Apps Users Have Downloaded Twitter is about to get more up close and personal with your mobile device. The social network signaled today that it will start collecting data on the mobile apps that its users have downloaded. The move, first reported today by Re/Code and laid out on a new support page, is meant to help the company “build a more personal […]

  3. Why Apple Is Suddenly Poised To Take On Facebook Last week’s news that Apple was opening up its mobile ad network, iAd, to programmatic buying through partnerships with leading ad tech firms was a huge step for the little ad platform that could — and should be a much bigger player in mobile advertising that it currently is. Accordant Media, Adelphic, AdRoll, GET IT […]

  4. While Facebook Lags, Tumblr & Pinterest Are The Fastest Growing Social Networks With a user base of one-third of the Internet-connected world, Facebook’s place as the largest social media platform remains unquestionable, but new research shows that the 10-year-old network is settling into slower growth mode. In the last six months, Facebook grew more slowly than all the other major social networks, measured by either increases in […]

  5. 8 Reasons Why Digital Advertising Works For Brands I received a text the other day from the CEO of a leading U.S. advertising agency asking me a simple question: “Peter, can you send me proof points for why digital advertising works for brand marketers?” It turns out that she was in an annual review session with senior members of her consumer packaged goods (CPG) […]

  6. From CMO To President: Taking The Reins At Domino’s Pizza In October of this year, after serving six years as CMO, Russell Weiner was named President of Domino’s Pizza USA. During his tenure as CMO, Weiner led marketing, brand leadership, and product innovation for the world’s second largest pizza company, and was responsible for helping reinvent 80 percent of the brand’s menu – a change […]

  7. Competitive Advantages With Engagement Analytics In my previous article, I showed how marketing has transitioned to customer engagement. For companies looking to be successful using this new mindset, standard web analytics programs deliver very little value and could be classified as simply dead. Ever since the origin of web servers that delivered our websites, web analytics has essentially been the same. Back then, […]

  8. Best Practice Pros: How Groupon Manages Its Email Programs Last month, we took a long look at LinkedIn, exploring how it uses email as a key component of creating, sustaining and driving its online community and overall business model. This time around, let’s examine a marketer whose name is practically synonymous with email engagement. Ask nearly anyone about which brands’ promotional emails land in their inbox, […]

  9. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Will Hold Another Public Q&A On Dec. 11 Ask Mark anything … again. Facebook announced today that it will hold another public Q&A session with CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Dec. 11 at the company’s Menlo Park headquarters. Given that the “Q&A With Mark” will come about one month after Zuckerberg’s first such session, it appears that they will be regular events for the […]

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  1. 14 Actionable Content Marketing Tips for Small Businesses,

  2. 25 Content Marketing Truths,

  3. 3 Secret Ingredients for Making Your Content More Share-Worthy,

  4. Content Marketing = Sales $, otherwise, Don’t Do It,

  5. Generating New Content Ideas: How to See Content Everywhere,

  6. How to make 8 pieces of content from 1 piece of content,

  7. Measuring The ROI Of Your Content Marketing,

  8. Please Stop Calling Content Marketing “Brand Journalism”,

  9. This Simple Strategy Will Stuff Your Business so Full of Content That It Will Have to Wear Its Fat Pants,

  10. Where Brand Journalism and Native Advertising Can Fit Within Content Marketing,

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Social Media

  1. 5 Facebook Holiday Marketing Tips for SMBs,

  2. 5 Types of Engaging Thanksgiving Campaigns,

  3. 6 Brands That Used Tinder as a Social Media Platform,

  4. Facebook Adds Relevance Score, Positive and Negative Feedback to Ad Insights,

  5. How a Small Business Turns Instagram Followers into Customers,

  6. How Applebee’s, Buffalo Wild Wings, Chili’s, and More Connect with Customers on Facebook,

  7. Should Your Facebook Posts Be Geared More Toward Lifestyle Branding for Better Engagement?,

  8. Social media success through cultural nuance,

  9. Thanksgiving Weekend Advice for Social Marketers,

  10. The complete guide to Instagramming your Thanksgiving dinner,

  11. The Hidden Social Media Metrics You Should Pay Attention To,

  12. The most popular product on Pinterest is. . . .,

  13. Twitter Grants Head of Product $9.5 Million in Equity, Wall Street Journal

  14. Twitter has talked to Bieber-backed Shots,

  15. Twitter keeps pecking away at e-commerce,

  16. Why the Social Media “Magic Button” is a Big, Fat Lie,


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