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Marketing Day: Twitter’s New Metrics, Pinterest Bolsters E-Commerce, Triggit’s Dynamic R

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. LEARN: Lucy The Movie’s Web Site Teaches You To Speed Read Scarlett Johansson-Style Movie websites, more than any other type of marketing site, seem to span every point of the scale between horrifically lame and ingeniously brilliant. Far over on the ingeniously brilliant end of the scale is this promotional area within the Lucy web site, the new movie starring Scarlett Johansson movie, Lucy. Lucy is written and directed […]

  2. The Fundamental Checklist For Website Navigation Design & Architecture – Part 1 People make assumptions about website navigation, often to the detriment of findability. We assume that the web designer or developer is naturally knowledgeable about effective site navigation. Does the designer’s or developer’s home page have a jquery homepage slider that takes up the majority of the screen? Or cool drop-down and fly-out menus? Granted, any […]

  3. Triggit Expands Dynamic Retargeting Beyond Facebook To Native Ads Across The Web Facebook retargeting provider, Triggit, is branching out to give advertisers more scale and reach for the dynamic retargeting campaigns that have proven so effective on Facebook. Triggit is partnering with premium publishers to bring dynamic retargeting to news feed-style ad formats across the web. Triggit declined to name specific partners already lined up for the […]

  4. Pinterest Bolsters Its E-Commerce Ties With Shopify Partnership Pinterest, which for many users serves as an online shopping catalogue, moved further down that road this week, announcing an agreement with e-commerce platform Shopify. Pinterest has moved cautiously with advertising, finally last month launching a self-serve tool to give a limited set of businesses access to buy Promoted Pins, but it hasn’t been shy […]

  5. WSJ: Twitter Is Cooking Up New Metrics To Convince Wall Street It’s Reaching Enough People Twitter has a growth problem — more precisely it has a problem with Wall Street not believing that it’s growing fast enough and therefore doubting its prospects for long-term profitability. Despite revenue that has doubled for five consecutive quarters, Twitter is losing the perception battle. Since the IPO last November, the microblogging company has been […]

  6. Twitter Acquires CardSpring To Help Build “In-The-Moment Commerce” In a move to enhance its e-commerce backbone, Twitter today announced it will acquire CardSpring, a startup that enables businesses to link credit- and debit-card purchases to digital coupons, rewards and loyalty programs. CardSpring, which specializes in linking and tracking online activity to offline purchases, should help Twitter further its efforts on that front, as […]

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