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Marketing Day: Twitter Celebs Get Tweets Indexed, Mobile Social Sharing Surges & New Pinterest

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Twitter A-Listers Are More Likely To Have Their Tweets Indexed In Google Search Results [Study] If you are counting on Google indexing your tweets, you had better have Twitter influence — we are talking serious influence. As in, if you have fewer than a million followers, your tweet isn’t likely to surface on a Google search at all. That’s one of the key findings of a study that Stone Temple […]

  2. Get To Know: FOX Head Of Corporate Marketing Dan Robbins With nearly two decades of marketing, product, creative, and business strategy experience, Dan Robbins serves as head of corporate marketing for FOX, a manufacturer of high-performance suspension products for a variety of on- and off-road vehicles, mountain bikes and motorcycles. Within his role at FOX, Robbins oversees the company’s branding efforts, and creates integrated marketing […]

  3. Internet Provider ‘Downloads’ Christ The Redeemer Statue From Brazil to Italy Overnight If you live in Brazil, you are not very happy this week following your crushing loss to Germany in the World Cup semi-final. But Italy is having a blast at your expense. Italian broadband provider Fastweb “downloaded” the Christ the Redeemer statue which overlooks Rio de Janeiro from Corcovado Hill and magically erected it in […]

  4. Preparing For A Post-Banner World: What To Expect From Next Gen Ad Standards Standard ad formats are the backbone of the digital advertising industry, having driven the medium’s growth from nil in the early 1990s to over $40 billion in 2013. They are essential to delivering the scale needed by national advertisers. The demands placed on digital ad standards have increased exponentially since their inception, fueled by the […]

  5. Report: Social Sharing On Mobile Devices Surges 30% In Second Quarter Adding to the evidence that 2014 is a mobile tipping point, social data and sharing tool provider ShareThis reported today that sharing via smartphones and tablets surged more than 30% during the second quarter. Pulling data from its network of more than 2 million U.S. publishers, ShareThis found sharing growth of 27.8% for smartphones and […]

  6. How To Achieve Better Conversion Rates for Your Third Party Web Applications If you use a web-based, third party service for your career center, ticket registration or maybe webinar registrations, you are probably feeling some conversion pain. Even though these systems provide a (usually) less expensive option than building it yourself, they are usually quite ugly and have a subpar user experience. We’ve become accustomed to […]

  7. VIDEO + SLIDESHOW: Marketing In The Age Of The Internet Of Things What does the world of marketing look like when we can reference beacons on everything a person touches, passes, buys, uses, and loses? And when you connect not on a screen, but through objects themselves? As your marketing strategy takes shape, consider the changes coming on the horizon with the growth of the Internet of […]

  8. Data-Powered Message Strategies That Drive Better Customer Experiences Most email marketers are data junkies. They track their deliverability, spam rate, bounces, clicks, clicks-to-open rate, conversions and many other stats — as well they should. But the data we collect and track as email marketers, and the tools and methods available to us — to improve results or resolve problems or provide new services […]

  9. Study: Mobile E-Commerce Sales Projected To Reach $50B By End Of 2014 In its latest round of reports, Custora claims mobile e-commerce revenue is set to reach $50 billion by the end of this year, up nearly $8 billion since last year, and an astounding $48 billion since 2010. Analyzing e-commerce data from more than 100 retailers, 70 million consumers and $10 billion in transactions, Custora found […]

  10. Pinterest Updates Follow Button To Preview Brands’ Latest Pins Pinterest rolled out a new Follow button today that gives users a visual sample of what following a brand or business will mean. Users who click on the button will see a dialogue box with previews of an account’s latest pins, “and your visitors won’t ever have to leave your website to follow you,” Pinterest […]

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