Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
[WATCH] Marketing Land Live #22: Verizon buys Yahoo, earnings week & more Aug 1, 2016 by Matt McGee In this week’s show, we talk about Yahoo’s future with Verizon/AOL, and a big week of earnings for almost everyone but Twitter.
Twitter will hand out awards to spark advertiser interest, investment Aug 1, 2016 by Tim Peterson The first-ever Twitter Awards will showcase the service’s best ads of the past year at a time when it needs to reignite advertisers’ interest and investment.
9 things most people don’t understand about SEO Aug 1, 2016 by John Lincoln New to the world of search engine optimization (SEO)? Columnist John Lincoln explains some things you might not know about this online marketing discipline.
Excited about Google’s new map ads? You should be! Aug 1, 2016 by Will Scott Google Maps ads are changing to help local businesses become more visible. Columnist Will Scott discusses the four features you should be most excited about.
Elon Musk and the rise of the social executive Aug 1, 2016 by Chris Kerns What can marketers learn from Elon Musk’s rabid following on Twitter? Columnist Chris Kerns dives into his Twitter feed to discover key tactics from his social activity.
Report: 93 percent of US baseball stadiums have deployed beacons Aug 1, 2016 by Greg Sterling Sports teams that have deployed beacons and proximity technologies have seen an ROI as big as 40X in incremental revenue.
The path to one-to-one content marketing Aug 1, 2016 by Jose Cebrian How do you create content that’s tailored to individual customers? Columnist Jose Cebrian outlines the steps for developing content that can be applied to a people-based marketing strategy.
7 ways to get to know your audience better Aug 1, 2016 by Timothy Carter Knowing your audience is central to any marketing strategy. So how do you get to know them? Columnist Timothy Carter discusses seven ways to learn more about your target demographics.
The secret to intelligent growth: Know your customers Aug 1, 2016 by Jordan Elkind How do you keep your customers coming back? By gathering meaningful insights about them. Columnist Jordan Elkind outlines three ways to use customer intelligence to increase retention.
Google revenues climb 21 percent to $21.5 billion, powered by mobile Jul 29, 2016 by Greg Sterling Growth is coming from three areas: mobile search, video and programmatic, but primarily mobile search.
Automattic’s WooCommerce ecommerce platform now connects with Square Jul 29, 2016 by Barry Levine WooCommerce, a WordPress plugin, says this was its most requested integration.
China’s largest search engine, Baidu, struggles on earnings Jul 29, 2016 by Barry Schwartz Baidu’s stock drops on their latest earnings release, showing signs of slower growth and profits than ever before.
Stay up to date on all things search related at Search Engine Land, our sister site dedicated to search news and information.
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Engagement Is a B.S. Metric and Your Ad Agency Knows It, adage.com
Why You Should Dump Your Analytics Person (And Do THIS Instead), blog.kissmetrics.com
Blogs & Blogging
4 Useful Website Building Tips for the Rookie Blogger, www.blogherald.com
5 Ways to Get More Passive Income for your Blog, www.blogherald.com
Challenge: 7 Days to Getting Your Blogging Groove Back, problogger.com
Converting Blog Readers Into Clients, www.compukol.com
How to Make Your Blog Rack up More Shares with Widgets and Plugins, www.martechadvisor.com
Business Issues
Google has sold 30 million Chromecasts, 5 million in the past 2 months, 9to5google.com
What’s in a Name? For Yahoo, Too Much and Not Enough, www.adweek.com
Windows 10 passes 20% market share, venturebeat.com
Content Marketing
6 Roles You Need for Successful B2B Content Marketing, www.convinceandconvert.com
Brand content now part of half of CNN International ad deals, digiday.com
Need Content? Drop Your Agency and Create Your Own Brand Newsroom, www.marketingprofs.com
Stand Out by Blending In: Making Native Advertising Work on Mobile, www.adweek.com
The Lines Between Native Advertising and Editorial Content Are Still Blurred, www.emarketer.com
Why Content Bingeing is Critical to your ABM Strategy, www.martechadvisor.com
Conversion Optimization
Post-Conversion Autoresponder Tactics to Keep Your Leads Alive, www.searchenginejournal.com
Why Scheduling Demos Might Be Destroying Your Conversion Rates, blog.crazyegg.com
Copywriting, Design & Usability
How to Create Amazing Infographics, www.copypress.com
In what contexts should messaging be the UI?, techcrunch.com
Is Your Design Idea Hot Or Not? This App Will Tell You, www.fastcodesign.com
M-commerce is better, but not perfect, with responsive design, www.internetretailer.com
User Memory Design: How To Design For Experiences That Last, www.smashingmagazine.com
Why You Should Use a WordPress CSS Live Editor Plugin, www.wpexplorer.com
You Need to Read This Before Hiring a Web Designer, smallbiztrends.com
Google Recommends You Update Links After Moving Domains But No Critical Loss, Search Engine Roundtable
Verisign Statement Regarding .Web Auction Results, www.businesswire.com
A Brief Guide to Contrarian Ecommerce Marketing, www.practicalecommerce.com
Amazon gets analyst thumbs up on investment plans, www.retaildive.com
Cheat Sheet to Ace the Online Back to School Shopping Rush, company-enterprise.myshopify.com
Dirty truth about omnichannel retail, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
E-Commerce Explores Unfamiliar Territory: Feelings, www.cmswire.com
E-commerce innovator Chad Dickerson: Crafting sales, www.internetretailer.com
How to Optimize User Experience to Drive Mobile Commerce Sales, www.martechadvisor.com
Leverage The New Holiday Promotion Cycle To Lure Omnichannel Shoppers, multichannelmerchant.com
Speeding Mobile Checkout Can Save Sales, www.cmswire.com
Walgreens plans to shutter Drugstore.com and Beauty.com, Internet Retailer
Email Marketing
How to Create an Email Welcome Series to Increase Sales and Engagement, blogs.constantcontact.com
Misunderstood Aspects of Email Marketing and How to Combat Them, www.martechadvisor.com
Spam Laws, Email Marketing, and Compliance, www.ducttapemarketing.com
The 6 Biggest Email Marketing Myths, Debunked, www.searchenginejournal.com
General Internet Marketing
7 Retention Marketing Platforms for SMBs, streetfightmag.com
Are Marketers Optimistic About the Rest of 2016?, www.marketingprofs.com
Follow the ROI: The Channels Where Marketers Are Winning – Or Falling Behind, thedma.org
Get Scrappy: 7 Tips for Smarter Digital Marketing, blog.marketo.com
Marketers Root for Verizon as It Chases Facebook-Google Duopoly, adage.com
Refine Your Personalization Efforts by Ditching Tech-First Tendencies, www.cmswire.com
Martech and marketing technologists go mainstream — 3 key stats, chiefmartec.com
The pros and cons of using Amazon Alexa as a model for chatbots, venturebeat.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
9 Useful Facebook Messenger Chatbots: Marketing Examples to Learn From, www.internetmarketingninjas.com
Android will now send push notifications when new devices are added to your account, techcrunch.com
Apple is improving emoji gender diversity in iOS 10, www.theverge.com
Here’s what your boring app would look like as a conversation, techcrunch.com
Marketers: You – Not Developers – Are the Main Consumers of APIs, www.martechadvisor.com
Why universal mobile wallets will eventually overtake retailers’ offerings, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
Will Internet Users Start Using Mobile Payment Apps Anytime Soon?, www.emarketer.com
Other Items
Adding YouTube and Calendar to the HTTPS Transparency Report, security.googleblog.com
Reputation Management
Afraid of Online Reviews? Here’s How to Face That Fear Head On, smallbiztrends.com
Brand Admiration and the Power of Love: Build a Brand That People Adore, www.marketingprofs.com
When Content Backfires: How to Handle Negative Feedback Online, contentmarketinginstitute.com
Social Media
Instagram to roll out anti-harassment tools, TechCrunch
Twitter Fails to Harness Its Importance, Wall Street Journal
5 Charts That Show How Much Social Media Changed Since 2014, contently.com
5 Tips & Tricks for Making Killer Facebook Carousel Ads, 3qdigital.com
5 Ways to Get Noticed by Influencers on Twitter, contentmarketinginstitute.com
Do You Really Need a Facebook Page for Each Location of Your Business?, www.localvisibilitysystem.com
How to Create a Facebook Page for Your New Business, smallbiztrends.com
How to Grow a Twitter Chat: Lessons from 2 Years of #bufferchat, blog.bufferapp.com
Is Facebook a Colossal Waste of Money?, www.socialmediaexplorer.com
Look Up: Countdown to Rio 2016 Begins on Facebook and Instagram, media.fb.com
NBC and Facebook link for Olympics ‘social command center’, digiday.com
Social Media Tips & Tools To Post Smarter: Content Scheduling, www.searchenginepeople.com
Topnotch Facebook Plugins for WordPress, www.wpexplorer.com
Vin Diesel Becomes First Actor With 100 Million Facebook Likes, www.adweek.com
What’s New on Facebook Business for July 2016, www.facebook.com
10 Things You Need to Do When Getting Started on YouTube, blogs.constantcontact.com
Google says 97% of connections to YouTube are now encrypted, techcrunch.com
How to Create a Mind-Blowing Instagram Video Strategy, www.jeffbullas.com
How to Use Facebook Live From Your Desktop Without Costly Software, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
Poor User Experience Holding Back The Video Advertising Industry, adexchanger.com
Rio 2016 celebrations on YouTube, youtube.googleblog.com
US Marketers to Step Up Social Video Ads, Particularly on Facebook, www.emarketer.com
Why You Should Be Investing in Video, www.clixmarketing.com
YouTube Engineering and Developers Blog: YouTube’s road to HTTPS, youtube-eng.blogspot.com
YouTube reveals RNC and DNC livestreams were viewed over 9 million times, average watch time was 25 minutes, venturebeat.com