Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
Twitter will bring its logged-out ads to the mobile web in Q2 May 4, 2016 by Tim Peterson With brands paying ‘nearly’ as much for clicks on ads shown to logged-out users as logged-in ones, Twitter will stop limiting those ads to the desktop web.
60% of local SEOs are outsourcing more tasks in 2016 vs. 2015 May 4, 2016 by Myles Anderson What is the current state of outsourcing in the local search world? Columnist Myles Anderson takes a look at the results of a recent BrightLocal survey on the topic.
Content and SEO: Optimization from creation to conversion May 4, 2016 by Jim Yu How can you ensure that your content creation efforts don’t go to waste? Columnist Jim Yu discusses how to align content creation with SEO goals and user needs for maximum impact.
EverString now lets marketers create their own “lookalike” segments May 4, 2016 by Barry Levine Predictive marketing firm says “no one else is offering this level of self-service.”
Lost in translation: What happens when a Facebook Messenger bot can’t understand you May 4, 2016 by Tim Peterson Execs from Betaworks-backed Poncho, Mic and Complex Media explain how chat bots are trying to keep conversations from going completely off the rails.
The benefits of creating a purpose-driven SEO strategy May 4, 2016 by Ryan Shelley Why does your website exist? What is the function of each page? Columnist Ryan Shelley explains how an effective SEO strategy starts with defining your website’s purpose.
Owning your martech stack means owning privacy, too May 4, 2016 by L. Erik Bratt As regulators continue to debate privacy requirements, contributor L. Erik Bratt says brands must learn to control the data across their martech stacks without violating consumer trust.
Putting the audience first in digital publishing and advertising May 4, 2016 by Rob Rasko Columnist Rob Rasko believes digital publishers need to find the right balance between creating great content and monetizing it.
AppWords Concierge: a new in-app assistant that “preempts search” May 3, 2016 by Greg Sterling The company wants to enable a Google Now-like experience within apps.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Bing Ads makes it easier to segment performance data like time of day and device
Jane Jacobs’ Google Doodle marks 100th birthday of famous NYC community organizer
Brand bidding & PPC optimization: future of brand protection (part 8)
AdWords Editor update: Frequency caps, review extensions, display app install campaigns
Google drops product rich snippets from airline pricing websites
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Level Up Your Web Analytics with Customer Data, blog.kissmetrics.com
Blogs & Blogging
How to Double your Blog Traffic in 2 Weeks, ignitevisibility.com
Business Issues
Alphabet is tapping Fiat-Chrysler Automotive for 100 self-driving Pacifica minivans, qz.com
Apple brings in ex-Googler and robotics expert Yoky Matsuoka to work on Healthkit, techcrunch.com
Apple to Revamp Streaming Music Service After Mixed Reviews, Departures, Bloomberg
Bing adds your state’s view to its Political Index, blogs.bing.com
Content Marketing
4 Ways to Make Friends With Legal and Get Content Out Faster, contently.com
5 Ways to Jump Content Hurdles, contentmarketinginstitute.com
A Content Marketing Mastermind group, www.cornwallseo.com
Content Audit ROI – Prioritizing and Tracking for Success, www.goinflow.com
Content Marketing Is Moving Toward a Zen State of Storytelling, www.adweek.com
Does Your Content Need a Permanent Home?, contently.com
How to Create Ridiculously Compelling Content in 5 Easy Steps, www.jeffbullas.com
Conversion Optimization
3 Landing Page Optimization Myths EXPOSED, www.wordstream.com
5 Tips to Improve Apps’ Retention, Engagement and Conversion, www.adweek.com
How Conversion Paths Work, www.searchenginepeople.com
How Much Should You Spend on Conversion Rate Optimization Services and Products?, blog.crazyegg.com
Copywriting, Design & Usability
6 UX Mistakes You’re Probably Making (and How to Fix Them), conversionxl.com
Delightful Bits Of Vintage Graphic Design Inspiration, www.smashingmagazine.com
New Super Emoji Plus+ Plugin Adds an Elegant Emoji Picker to WordPress, wptavern.com
Why Learning to Write Is the Toughest and Best Thing You’ll Do, www.copyblogger.com
11 Critical Features for B2B Ecommerce Sites, www.practicalecommerce.com
Alibaba helps 50 Chinese online merchants go public, www.internetretailer.com
Amazon’s business marketplace hits $1 billion in sales, www.reuters.com
E-commerce retailers challenge South Dakota web sales tax law, www.retaildive.com
Etsy’s sales, sellers and buyers grow in Q1, www.internetretailer.com
Mcommerce’s Rapid Growth Is Primarily Coming from Smartphones, www.emarketer.com
Email Marketing
The Cost of Annoying Your Customers With Email, multichannelmerchant.com
The Elements of (Email) Style: Timeless tips for crafting compelling copy, blog.movableink.com
The Most Effective Mother’s Day Email Subject Lines, www.marketingprofs.com
General Internet Marketing
Defining Digital Experience & Other Terms to Know, www.cmswire.com
How Execs Rank Digital Marketing Solution Capabilities, www.emarketer.com
How the Majority Illusion Can Supercharge Your Influence Marketing, www.convinceandconvert.com
How to Win the Hearts of Consumers with the “Why?”, blog.marketo.com
It’s Time to Lose the Notion of Digital Marketing, adage.com
Luxury Brands Can’t Ignore Digital for Building Meaningful Relationships, www.emarketer.com
The Rise of Personalized Marketing, www.adweek.com
Internet Marketing Industry
10 Free Online Marketing Tools Every Small Business Owner Needs, moz.com
3 Ways to Bring Artificial Intelligence to Your Customer Experience, www.cmswire.com
Tech Marketers Embrace Marketing Tech, www.emarketer.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
A Better Architecture For iOS Apps, www.smashingmagazine.com
Can You Apply Marketing Automation Know-How to Mobile Apps?, www.cmswire.com
Here’s how mobile commerce changes everything, venturebeat.com
How Mobile Devices Close the Gap Between Physical and Digital Shops, www.emarketer.com
Mobile accounts for half of Criteo’s ad revenue in Q1, www.internetretailer.com
Social Media
15 Surefire Ways to Boost Your Social Media Marketing in Under an Hour, blog.bufferapp.com
Facebook evolves into go-to platform for social ticketing, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
Facebook Reactions only make up 3 percent of interactions there, digiday.com
How to Find Snapchat Usernames, www.searchenginejournal.com
Mark Zuckerberg celebrates the end of WhatsApp ban in Brazil, techcrunch.com
New Facebook Sharing Options: What Marketers Need to Know, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
Twitter shares just fell to their lowest closing price ever, qz.com
Why Social Media Is Critical for the Growth of Your Business, www.searchinfluence.com
Win With Social Intelligence: Vital Tips for CMOs in 2016 and Beyond, www.marketingprofs.com
10 Brands Dominating on Facebook Live Now, simplymeasured.com
AOL Is Launching a 360-Degree Public-Facing Video Studio in Downtown New York, www.adweek.com
Facebook Live, The Ultimate Guide, ignitevisibility.com
Vine now available for Windows 10 PCs and Tablets, blogs.windows.com
Yahoo Doubles Down on Video at 2016 NewFront, yahoo.tumblr.com