Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
RIP TweetDeck for Windows: App to sunset on April 15 Mar 17, 2016 by Tamar Weinberg
Twitter for Windows will stop being supported on April 15 while the company chooses to focus on the web interface instead.
FTC continues its influencer marketing crackdown with Machinima order Mar 17, 2016 by Greg Sterling Second release in less than a week indicates the agency wants to keep up the pressure on marketers to play by disclosure rules.
6 strategies to build links for your small business website in 2016 Mar 17, 2016 by Pratik Dholakiya Small business owners often don’t know where to start when it comes to local link-building for SEO, so columnist Pratik Dholakiya shares his tips and suggestions.
How advertisers should respond to fewer ads showing on Google Mar 17, 2016 by Frederick Vallaeys Google recently changed the way ads are displayed on search engine results pages, so how can you make the most of this change? Columnist Frederick Vallaeys lays out some options.
Tumblr looks to repair ad biz with blogless ads, sales team’s return Mar 17, 2016 by Tim Peterson Yahoo has bungled its Tumblr deal, per agency execs, but now Tumblr is tweaking its ad sales strategy to repair its business.
How to build an in-house marketing team for conversion optimization Mar 17, 2016 by Jeremy Smith Do you have a team dedicated to conversion optimization? Columnist Jeremy Smith tells you how to assemble a team of pros and the kinds of people you should tap.
Now entering… the age of cognitive marketing Mar 17, 2016 by Barry Levine IDC Research Manager Gerry Murray predicts that within a year, there will be an explosion in the number of marketing applications that “think.”
The new performance creative: Where emotion, data and technology converge Mar 17, 2016 by Scott Rayden Columnist Scott Rayden says marketers who want to stay ahead of the curve need to successfully integrate data and technology with creative that connects with consumers.
Report: Spending on corporate websites exceeds TV, mobile growing fastest Mar 16, 2016 by Greg Sterling Roughly 49 percent of the more than $470 million in annual marketing or ad spending in the US is now going to digital channels.
SMX Advanced agenda is up! Secure your place today and save $500. Mar 16, 2016 by Marketing Land Get ready for Search Engine Land’s SMX Advanced, which returns to Seattle June 22–23. Two exceptional days of professional-level tactics, keynotes and networking await you! The agenda is now up, and SMX Advanced provides the latest, professional-level tactics and best practices in PPC, SEO, local and mobile search, social media marketing and more.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Bridging the Gap Between Data Analytics and Personalization, www.cmswire.com
What Does 2016 Hold for Analytics Users?, amplitude.com
Blogs & Blogging
Blogging Blarney (& How You Can Fix It!), heidicohen.com
How to Connect Your WordPress Powered Site to Apple News Publisher, wptavern.com
Business Issues
Content Marketing
10 Digital Marketing Trends That Should Influence Your 2016 Content Strategy, www.komarketingassociates.com
6 Surprising Content Marketing Trends That Are Skyrocketing In 2016, And What You Need To Do In Response, blog.crazyegg.com
Beware: Native Advertising Regulators Have Finally Grown Restless, adexchanger.com
Content Marketing: The Hard Working Listicle, www.practicalecommerce.com
From Branded Content to Content Brands, www.copypress.com
Monetizing Your Content For Maximum Value, www.compukol.com
Copywriting, Design & Usability
Build Better User Experience With C.R.A.P. Design Principles, vwo.com
How did we ever forget about customer experience?, econsultancy.com
No Longer Any Separation between User Experience and Brand Perception, screenwerk.com
What Is SEO Copywriting and Why Is It Important?, seocopywriting.com
13 Ways to Combat Shopping Cart Abandonment, www.wordstream.com
Alibaba is working to bring virtual reality into its e-commerce services, techcrunch.com
Amazon is poised to chew up the food chain, www.internetretailer.com
Report: Retailers are misinterpreting ‘omnichannel’, www.retaildive.com
Email Marketing
10 ways to reduce email unsubscribes, econsultancy.com
7 Simple Ways to Get More Email Subscribers, www.searchenginejournal.com
General Internet Marketing
4 Ways You Can Scale with Your Marketing Programs, blog.marketo.com
How to Use Data to Define Your Digital Audience, simplymeasured.com
Who’s Manipulating Whom: The Coming Wave of Personalization, adage.com
Internet Marketing Industry
Agency And Ad Tech Expertise Create A New Breed Of Marketing Talent, adexchanger.com
Four Reasons Marketers Should Be Excited About Machine Learning, www.marketingprofs.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
5 best-practice tips for mobile proximity messaging, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
Facebook’s Messenger Bot Store could be the most important launch since the App Store, techcrunch.com
How Google’s AMP Will Influence Your Online Marketing, moz.com
Microsoft starts rolling out Windows 10 Mobile to Windows Phone 8.1 devices, venturebeat.com
Social Media
3 Ways to Beat Instagram’s New Algorithm, swaygroup.com
eMarketer Lowers Growth Outlook for Twitter, www.emarketer.com
Facebook Canvas: The What, Why, How and Who Cares?, unbounce.com
Facebook Catches March Madness, www.adweek.com
Facebook Expanding Access to Conversion Lift Measurement, www.adweek.com
Here are the winners and losers of an Instagram algorithm, digiday.com
How Pinterest Knows Who’s Down to Shop and Who Isn’t, adage.com
How to Manage Multiple Social Media Profiles, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
Inside Buffer’s Social Media Strategy: Stats and Key Takeaways for Marketers, blog.bufferapp.com
Instagram Interactions Plummet in 2015 (Study), www.adweek.com
Marketers Give Poor Grades To Twitter In RBC Study, adage.com
Social media contests should focus on experiences not giveaways, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
10 Fun (And Easy) Ways Makers and Handmade Entrepreneurs Use Blab, smallbiztrends.com
How to Easily Translate YouTube Videos in New Languages, ignitevisibility.com
Why User-Generated Video Content Ups Your Credibility, www.convinceandconvert.com
YouTube and Google Play agree to join T-Mobile’s Binge On Program, following criticism of video throttling, techcrunch.com
YouTube star network Fullscreen acquires StageBloc to help creators manage their online presence, venturebeat.com