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Marketing Day: Top 30 #SMX Tweets, Facebook Engagement Plummeting, Twitter All Access Program

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Google: We’ll Be Giving More Feedback For Reconsideration Request & Other Search Changes Last Wednesday at the SMX Advanced show, Google’s head of search spam, Matt Cutts, shared some news and announcements with us during his keynote session. Here are some of the highlights from Matt’s talk: Payday Loan 3.0 Launches Matt Cutts announced Wednesday night that Google would launch version 3.0 of the Payday loan algorithm. 3.0 […]

  2. Google Glass Reveals Its First 5 “Glass At Work” Certified Partners Google has given its blessing to five developers that are helping bring Google Glass to business and enterprise by making them certified partners in the Glass At Work program. The companies, announced this morning, are: APX: “APX Labs makes Skylight, the leading business software for Glass. It provides workers with hands-free, real-time access to enterprise […]

  3. Hellmann’s #ReciTweet Campaign Offers Recipes To Fix “What’s In The Fridge” Disappointment We’ve all been there. Standing in front of our refrigerator, staring inside hoping something delicious will magically manifest itself. It’s very frustrating, but there is a solution. No, it’s not the replicator on the Enterprise; it’s ReciTweet from Hellmann’s. Working with Ogilvy & Mather Brazil, Hellmann’s created ReciTweet, a Twitter hashtag campaign which came to […]

  4. Up Close @ SMX Advanced: Rethinking Retargeting Retargeting is one of the most effective techniques in paid search and display advertising. The concept is straightforward. The site owner puts a piece of code on their site or on certain pages on their site. When a visitor lands on the page with the code, the visitor is “tagged” with a cookie. If the […]

  5. Pearls Of Wisdom: Our 30 Favorite Tweets From #SMX Advanced 2014 Well, dear search marketing friends — as quickly as it came, the Advanced arm of our Search Marketing Expo (SMX) conference has come to an end. It was a heck of week, filled with tremendous knowledge and insights shared by industry luminaries from all walks of the digital marketing landscape. If you couldn’t make it […]

  6. Digital Is Digital Wherever It Appears: The Road To Total Convergence Believe it or not, there are many people who don’t consume digital advertising in silos. While digital marketers are continuously trying to identify how and when an action on a certain device will turn into a conversion, consumers are jumping back and forth between mobile, desktop and tablet, taking their purchase path in different directions […]

  7. New Twitter Test Allows Users To Embed Tweets In Their Tweets No longer will users have to hop around from Tweet to Tweet when looking to find the context of a linked Tweet. A new test available to some users in the Twitter app allows users to paste a link to a previous Tweet, and when it is pushed live, it will become an embedded Tweet. […]

  8. 3 Fool-Proof Email List-Building Strategies With Facebook Though social followings and social engagement play an important role in any company’s overall online presence, nothing beats email when it comes to accessing prospects on demand. Consequently, getting customers to make the leap from “fan” to “subscriber” is an important conversion point for many online business — but it’s often not done with much […]

  9. For Major Brands “Engagement Has Plummeted” On Facebook A new report from Facebook analytics provider Simply Measured finds consumer engagement with Facebook posts from a number of the top Interbrand companies is down dramatically year over year. The firm says that monthly engagement is off an average of more than 40 percent since May 2013. Two brands on the list, MTV and Harley […]

  10. New: Twitter All Access Program Launches To Help Businesses Advertise & Use Twitter A select group of Twitter users are being invited to Twitter All Access, a new program “packed with benefits to fuel your business.” The program appears to be an attempt at spurring these businesses to increase their use of Twitter, including its advertising products. The email invitation congratulates the recipient on his/her “hard work building […]

  11. Up Close @ SMX Advanced: Conversion Rate Rockstars When you get right to it, all online marketing comes down to conversions — whether you define a conversion as a sale, a click, a whitepaper download or a registration. That was the topic covered in the “Conversion Rate Rockstars” session at SMX Advanced this year, which I’ll recap here. First, let me introduce the […]

  12. #WorldCup Infographic Roundup: Biggest Social Sports Event Ever Could Beat Olympics And Super Bowl Combined The FIFA World Cup is big, enormous really, with a worldwide television audience of more than 3 billion. And that huge population has marketers salivating and pouring over the data about how best to target soccer fans. How will people watch? Will they discuss the matches more on Twitter or Facebook? Which official sponsors — […]

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