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Marketing Day: Top 10 YouTube Ads In March, Employees As Brand Ambassadors & LinkedIn’s E

Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. TrueCar To Donate $1 For Every Instagram Photo Tagged #DogsInCars The car buying information site seeks to associate its brand with fun — specifically the type of joy and excitement dogs experience when riding in a car.

  2. Top 10 YouTube Video Ads In March: Ad Council’s Viral Hit “Love Has No Labels” Ranks No. 1 Ranked by paid views, organic views and audience retention, last month’s top ads generated more than 102 million views.

  3. 12 Ways To Make Your Most Important Brand Ambassadors — Your Employees — More Productive How do you keep your employees happy and productive? Columnist Steve Olenski offers up these 12 techniques to help get you started.

  4. How Many Watches Did Apple Sell: 1 Million, 2 Million Or More? Apple may let the world know today precisely how many watches were ordered on Friday.

  5. Take Programmatic Display To The Next Level There’s a reason why programmatic buying is taking over display, columnist Pete Kluge notes, but it’s still not reaching its potential.

  6. Noteworthy, No Hype – What to Expect at SMX Advanced in Seattle Ask a search marketer what they love – and hate – about their job and you’ll likely hear “it’s always changing.”

  7. LinkedIn’s Newest App, Elevate, Helps Employees Share Content & Helps Employers View Results A new social sharing & scheduling app from LinkedIn has a unique wrinkle: It allows employers to track effectiveness and results that employees bring the company through social media.

  8. Click Here Or Else: The Evolution of Chain Emails The notion of “share or else” is still alive and well. Columnist Jason Warnock explains how marketers can leverage it to identify brand influencers.

  9. Spotted: Facebook Trending News Displaying Multiple News Categories A test spotted in the wild shows Facebook’s Trending News acting as newspaper with specific sections — all while still maintaining the hottest news above the fold.

  10. Report: Smartphones Reach Nearly 77 Percent Penetration In US On Friday comScore released its latest US smartphone market-share data (February 2015).

  11. Boost Mobile Turns to Vine And YouTube With Creepy #ComeToData Videos The prepaid phone player knows you check your phone in the bathroom, and, in its new campaign, reassures viewers that this practice is perfectly acceptable.

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  4. 7 Mistakes That Will Make People Unfollow You on Twitter,

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  6. Clorox’s Twitter backlash shows perils of content for content’s sake,

  7. Community Manager vs. Social Media Manager,

  8. DNT Isn’t Dead; Twitter Closes The Data Gates,

  9. Game of Social: Brands welcome the new ‘Game of Thrones’ season,

  10. Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Launch Tweet Nabbed 3 Million Views In One Hour, Bloomberg

  11. How Maybelline Used Instagram Influencers to Boost the #DareToNeon Campaign,

  12. How to Set Up Facebook Dynamic Product Ads,

  13. In Privacy Policy Refresh, Facebook Tells People What Its ‘People-Based’ ID Can Do,

  14. Is Twitter losing ground for social TV engagements?,

  15. Let Your Social Collaboration Use Cases Lead the Way,

  16. Tweet This! How to Tweet Quotes: Tools and WordPress Plugins for Tweetable Quotes,

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  18. Understanding Audience Expansion with LinkedIn Ads,


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