Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
IAB offers tactical advice for publishers tackling viewability Mar 22, 2016 by Ginny Marvin With tips for increasing viewable impressions of desktop display and video ads.
News from the #MarTech Conference trade show floor Mar 22, 2016 by Marketing Land Staff Product upgrades, integration announcements and highlights from the trade show floor at the 2016 MarTech Conference in San Francisco.
#MarTech Conference: Ultimate guide to building a martech stack Mar 22, 2016 by Nancy White Contributor Nancy White recaps a lively presentation by marketing technologist Travis Wright, who lays out the tools you’ll need to build a successful martech stack.
TrackMaven releases 2016 Social Media Inflation Index: Instagram growth is huge Mar 22, 2016 by Tamar Weinberg Content analytics firm TrackMaven released data showing the popularity of brands across social media platforms.
Sensing vulnerability, Out-of-Home goes on attack against digital display Mar 22, 2016 by Greg Sterling Trade group seeks to capitalize on complexity and confusion with online display advertising among media planners and buyers.
Why costs for local marketing campaigns vary Mar 22, 2016 by Jenny Foster Looking to purchase local SEO services, but wondering about the value of different tiers of service? Columnist Jenny Foster breaks it down.
Google’s right-side Adpocalypse: What really happened (DATA) Mar 22, 2016 by Larry Kim When Google changed its SERP display last month to eliminate ads in the right rail, many search marketers panicked. Now that the change has been live for a while, columnist Larry Kim looks at the data to determine what, if any, damage occurred.
5 dos and don’ts of managing a new international PPC account Mar 22, 2016 by Pauline Jakober Never managed an international PPC account before? Columnist Pauline Jakober provides tips and advice on how to handle this new challenge.
#MarTech Conference: Google dominates the marketing stacks of 150 “unicorn” startups Mar 22, 2016 by Matt McGee Google Analytics and other Google products are the most popular choices among about 150 “unicorn” startups, according to data presented Monday at the MarTech Conference.
How using Zapier coupled with Pipedrive revolutionized our lead management process Mar 22, 2016 by Rae Hoffman Have you tried out Zapier yet? It may be time to hop on board. Columnist Rae Hoffman walks you through the workflow automator and explains how it can save you a ton of time.
Email marketers, meet your new cubicle mate: machine intelligence Mar 22, 2016 by Chad White Columnist Chad White takes a look at the future of machine learning and AI in email marketing, its limits, and why humans will still have a big role to play.
Adobe unveils its next-generation Marketing Cloud Mar 22, 2016 by Barry Levine It’s raining new features, including a Cross-Device Co-op, additional intelligent assistants, and a fuller integration between the Cloud and the Over-The-Top video-oriented Primetime.
#MarTech Conference: Here are this year’s Stackie Award winners Mar 21, 2016 by Barry Levine Five companies were selected for how they visually presented their marketing stack of technology tools.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Blogs & Blogging
Creating The Right Buzz For Your Business With Blogs, www.compukol.com
I Brainstormed 180 Blog Post Ideas for You, www.problogger.net
Business Issues
Apple ‘privacy czars’ grapple with internal conflicts over user data, Reuters
Google rebrands its Chromecast app to Google Cast to reflect expansion to more devices, including speakers, techcrunch.com
Google’s Greene Hastens Cloud Expansion in Race With Amazon, Bloomberg
Learning Larry Page’s Alphabet, www.fastcompany.com
Updating our Transparency Report, yahoopolicy.tumblr.com
Content Marketing
5 Dang Good Reasons Why Writers Should Think of Themselves as Content Marketers, www.copyblogger.com
5 Ways to Rock User Generated Content, www.jeffbullas.com
How to Create Persuasive Content: Lessons from Aristotle, contentmarketinginstitute.com
The Simplest Ways to Make the Best of Content Marketing Challenges, www.komarketingassociates.com
Why You Need to Write More Controversial Content, www.blogherald.com
Conversion Optimization
An Anti-Cookbook Approach to A/B Testing, blog.crazyegg.com
Today’s Digital Marketing Funnel (and How to Optimize Your Conversions), www.marketingprofs.com
Copywriting, Design & Usability
4 Simple Product Page Layouts That Work, www.practicalecommerce.com
The Customer-centric Site Redesign, www.goinflow.com
What You Need to Know About User Experience Design, www.searchenginejournal.com
11 Proven Ways to Increase E-Commerce Conversion Rates, www.contentharmony.com
Alibaba hits an e-commerce milestone, www.internetretailer.com
Amazon sues former employee over new job at Target, www.reuters.com
Online retailers egg on consumers with Easter offers, www.internetretailer.com
Shopify for WordPress, A New Approach To E-Commerce, www.wpexplorer.com
WTF Are Hedonic Shoppers and Why Should You Care?, unbounce.com
Email Marketing
7 Essential Elements of Email Design for Retailers, blogs.constantcontact.com
Six Easter Email Campaign Strategies to Boost Sales, www.martechadvisor.com
General Internet Marketing
21 Clever Spring Marketing Campaigns and Tips, smallbiztrends.com
4 Approaches for Navigating Influencer Marketing in 2016, www.adweek.com
Data-Driven Marketers: Why There’s No Time Like the Present, www.martechadvisor.com
GIFs and Cinemagraphs in Digital Marketing: The Art of Repetition, www.aimclearblog.com
Ten Steps to Starting a Podcast, www.ducttapemarketing.com
The ads go where?! Teaching your editors the birds and the bees of new formats, digiday.com
What You Can Learn About Account-Based Marketing From Behavior-Driven Advertising, www.marketingprofs.com
Why marketers must move from data to insight to action, econsultancy.com
Internet Marketing Industry
Influitive Acquires Triggerfox, Expands Power of Advocate Communities to Sales Domain, influitive.com
Invoca Brings Calls and Conversations into the Omnichannel Customer Journey with All New Invoca for Adobe Marketing Cloud, www.invoca.com
Lotame Releases Audience Optimizer to Supercharge Digital Campaigns, www.marketwired.com
Primer for Publishers on Improving Ad Viewability, www.iab.com
Quixey Appoints Industry Leader in Search Rajat Mukherjee as Chief Technology Officer, www.prnewswire.com
#MarTech Still Needs a Human Touch, www.cmswire.com
How can small businesses get started with marketing automation?, blogs.constantcontact.com
Study: Majority of SMBs Struggle to Integrate Marketing Tools, www.martechadvisor.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
7 Reactions to Whether the New, Smaller iPhone Is Bad for Mobile Advertising, www.adweek.com
How Google AMP Will Influence Customer Experience, www.cmswire.com
SMS is no longer the ugly duckling of marketing, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
Step-By-Step Guide to Implementing AMP on a WordPress Site, ignitevisibility.com
This is Android N’s freeform window mode, Ars Technica
Usability Testing Of Mobile Applications: A Step-By-Step Guide, usabilitygeek.com
Social Media
2016 Small Business Social Media Use: 5 Trends, heidicohen.com
5 Snapchat Statistics That Prove Its Power, www.convinceandconvert.com
5 Ways to Optimize Your Pinterest Promoted Pins, www.adweek.com
6 Ways the Changes in Instagram’s Feed Will Impact Brands, www.adweek.com
Andrew Zolty on the Creative Potential of the Instagram API, www.facebook.com
Business Publishers See Growing Opportunity On LinkedIn, adexchanger.com
Check Out the 2016 Shorty Award Winners for Best Brands on Social Media, www.adweek.com
How to Make Instagram Ads That Stand Out, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
How to Use Pinterest for Local Businesses, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
Larry Kim Spills His Favorite Facebook and Twitter Ad Hacks, www.searchenginejournal.com
The Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media Research, www.marketingprofs.com
The Unwritten Rules of Social Media, simplymeasured.com
Where are they now? How these 9 social networks have fared since Twitter was born, venturebeat.com