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Marketing Day: Teens Fleeing Facebook, Amazon Retail Store, Holiday E-Commerce Sales Estimate Rises

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Night Owls: One-Third Of Google Product Searches Happen In The Wee Hours With devices at our fingertips round-the-clock, perhaps it shouldn’t shock anyone that product searches are occurring at all hours of the night. Would you guess that a full third of product searches on Google occur between 10:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m., though? That information has obvious ramifications for campaign scheduling, and points to other […]

  2. Report: Amazon To Open New York Retail Store According to reports appearing on CNBC and in the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), e-commerce pioneer Amazon is going to open a Manhattan retail store. The store is reportedly scheduled to open in time to capture holiday traffic and purchases. The store’s location is going to be at 7 West 34th St., across from the Empire […]

  3. Second-Screener, Multi-Screener: How to Engage the Always Addressable Consumer – October 23 Webcast Digital Marketing Depot presents “Second-Screener, Multi-Screener: How to Engage the Always Addressable Consumer” on Thursday October 23 at 1 PM EDT. In this webcast Forrester Research, Inc. ís Principal Analyst Jim Nail and Quaeroís Michelle Boockoff-Bajdek will discuss how second screening is additive to both the viewing and buying experience as well as the bottom line. […]

  4. Google Adds The Ability To Post Polls On Google+ What does Google+ have that Facebook doesn’t? Starting today, Google’s social network is giving pages and profiles the ability to create and post polls. That’s a feature that Facebook took away from users in 2012 and Pages last year. The Facebook “Ask Question” polling feature is still available on Facebook Groups and some major media […]

  5. Google Launches Primer, A New iOS App That Offers Marketing Basics For Startups & Newbies Google has launched a new iOS app, called Primer, to help startups with their marketing efforts. Billed as a no-nonsense, jargon-free app, Primer offers a very basic … er … primer for businesses trying to negotiate the complicated world of online marketing. “We realize that some of the Google ad-tech products which connect businesses to […]

  6. Apple, Google Top Two Global Brands On Interbrand List Apple is the world’s top brand according to branding consultancy Interbrand. That’s followed by Google in the number two position, with 10 other tech-industry brands in the top 50. Facebook is number 29 on the list. Interbrand has released its “Best Global Brands” list annually since 1998. It measures and ranks brands by value. A variety of […]

  7. MassMutual’s #LoveisaGift Social Initiative Aims to Raise $50K For Easter Seals The life insurance company turns people’s attention to the ones they love in a philanthropic social effort.

  8. Weak & Unethical Agency Sales Pitches: How To Spot Them And Why You Shouldn’t Make Them How not to win new clients. Does anyone you know fall into this trap? If so, try an intervention.

  9. How Marketers Can Get In Sync With The Multi-Screen World How can you target users with relevant ads across multiple devices? Columnist Soo Jin Oh explains the state of the art and provides some tips.

  10. Snapchat’s New Ads Will Allow Marketers To Purchase Untargeted, Vanishing Placements The insanely popular temporary photo and video sharing network Snapchat is on the verge of monetizing the service according to CEO Evan Spiegel. Since turning down Facebook’s roughly $3 billion dollar offer, the social network has been valued near $10 billion dollars, but has yet to capitalize through advertising. According to the Wall Street Journal, […]

  11. Getting Online Video Ads Right! Videos ads are growing in popularity, and knowing how to do them right is an essential skill for any marketer.

  12. Holiday E-Commerce Sales Expected To Rise 8 – 11 Percent This Year E-commerce sales are expected to rise between eight and 11 percent this holiday shopping season. That’s the word from, which released its holiday shopping online sales forecast earlier this week. today released its 2014 online holiday sales forecast, expecting sales in November and December to grow between 8 – 11 percent over last […]

  13. Facebook Pads Its Social Login Lead In Q3 Facebook has solidified its position as the top social login provider, accounting for 46% of the industry total, according the third quarter report by online customer management firm Janrain. Facebook increased its share of logins on Janrain’s network by 2 percentage points, its second consecutive quarter-over-quarter gain, and the social network extended its lead over […]

  14. This Survey Says: Teens Are Fleeing Facebook; Instagram & Twitter Are More Popular Add another survey to the mix of contradictory data about teens and Facebook. This one — by investment bank Piper Jaffray — found a huge dropoff in the last six months in the number of teens who say they use the social network. How huge? Teen’s Facebook use plunged 72% in the spring of 2014 […]

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  1. 3 Social Media Tactics From The Top 50 Retail Brands in the U.S.,

  2. A Simple Strategy for Finding New Customers on Social Media,

  3. Facebook Marketing Tips: How to Get Organic Engagement on Facebook,

  4. How the “buy now” button could revolutionize social commerce,

  5. Imgur Updates GIF Format to Load Much Faster, Mashable

  6. Like It or Not: Get Facebook News Feed Working for You,

  7. Marketers Identify the Pros and Cons of Snapchat Taking on Ads, AdWeek

  8. Shared Opinions on Social Media Major Influence on Purchase, MediaPost

  9. Smile! Marketing Firms Are Mining Your Selfies, Wall Street Journal

  10. Social Logins May Actually Be a Thing, eMarketer

  11. Unilever’s Dove Tries Snapchat for Self-Esteem Effort, Ad Age

  12. Wendy’s Launches BBQ Products on Twitter With Help From Ribeiro, Macchio and Austin, AdWeek

  13. Why journalism needs to get over its fear of Facebook,


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