Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
Review improvement strategies for franchise and multi-location companies Jun 7, 2016 by Brian Patterson WIth local business reviews influencing click-throughs from search (and possibly even local rankings themselves), columnist Brian Patterson notes that large businesses with many locations need to have a strategy for obtaining and managing reviews.
MailChimp adds new feature for Product Recommendations Jun 7, 2016 by Barry Levine Company says it is the only SMB-targeted email platform that offers such a built-in capability.
Snapchat redesigns Discover tab to grab more attention for publishers Jun 7, 2016 by Tim Peterson Snapchat’s redesigned Discover tab could boost publishers’ profiles by piggybacking on Live Stories’ popularity and adding subscriptions to individual channels.
Marketing Land now offering Instant Articles on Facebook Jun 7, 2016 by Lauren Donovan Readers using Facebook apps on iOS and Android can now enjoy Marketing Land content in a fast-loading mobile format.
Personalization platform Blueshift now allows marketers to create their own service Jun 7, 2016 by Barry Levine Its new Personalization Studio is designed to accept a range of event streams, so marketers can build specialized experiences for segments or single users.
Build effective consumer relationships with ads that use intent data Jun 7, 2016 by Alex LePage Don’t alienate your consumers. Columnist Alex LePage explains how intent data and programmatic advertising can help you anticipate your customers’ needs and build relationships with them across devices.
WSJ: Verizon offering $3 billion for Yahoo’s core business Jun 7, 2016 by Greg Sterling Bid is considerably less than originally expected, others still in the hunt.
Content marketing and the silo issue Jun 7, 2016 by Rebecca Lieb Is your content suffering from turf battles over who owns it? Columnist Rebecca Lieb explains how to get your employees, customers and partners to collaborate to make your content shine.
Email marketer Bluecore adds advertising to its resume Jun 6, 2016 by Barry Levine The company seeks to expand beyond its roots in email marketing.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
How to Use Built-In Social Media Analytics to Uncover Hidden Insights, blog.crazyegg.com
Measuring Social Media Marketing, www.e-nor.com
Why Digital Analytics?, www.webanalyticsworld.net
Blogs & Blogging
5 Takeaways from Articles that Went Viral on Popular Sites, www.smallbusinessideasblog.com
6 Tips for Effective Long Form Blogging on LinkedIn, www.problogger.net
Blogging On A Schedule: Why Providing Consistent Content Matters, www.blogherald.com
Business Issues
Analyst: Twitter M&A Is ‘Inevitable’ if Current Trends Continue, Bloomberg
Google seems to be working on warehouse robots like Amazon’s, qz.com
Google, Facebook, Yahoo, rights groups oppose FBI expansion of surveillance powers, www.pcworld.com
Twitter is replacing its head of product. Again., www.recode.net
Content Marketing
‘Marketing Is Like Friendship’: 3 Keys to Always-On Content, contently.com
Creative Content Marketing In A Boring Niche, blog.thesocialms.com
One Position You Need to Rule Content Marketing, contentmarketinginstitute.com
Quality Over Quantity In Personalized Digital Content Marketing, www.searchenginepeople.com
Split Testing Your Content Marketing Campaigns: How and Why To Do It, blog.kissmetrics.com
The Content Marketing Approval Process: Why Too Many Editors Kill Great Content, www.thesaleslion.com
Top 4 Ways to Recycle Content That You Can Practice Right Away, vwo.com
Conversion Optimization
Jet.com boosts conversion by adding details to product pages, www.internetretailer.com
Copywriting, Design & Usability
Here’s Why You’re Throwing Away 90% Of Your Traffic, www.socialmediaexplorer.com
Now You Can Use Artificial Intelligence to Build Your Website, www.cmswire.com
Consumers want to know who they’re buying from, www.internetretailer.com
How can retailers recondition consumers’ mobile price comparison shopping habits?, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
Navigating Omnichannel Complexities: 3 Tips for Success, www.getelastic.com
Product Images – 10 Steps For Better eCommerce Usability, usabilitygeek.com
Email Marketing
4 Ways to Segment Your Email List to Get the Right Message to the Right Audience, blogs.constantcontact.com
8 Tips on Creating Newsletters, www.copypress.com
Email showdown: Bonnaroo vs. Lollapalooza, myemma.com
General Internet Marketing
Easy Guide to Hero Images: How to Look Good & Get the Clicks, www.wordstream.com
Is Inbound Marketing a Waste Of Time and Money?, smallbiztrends.com
The Brave New World of Omni-Channel Marketing, thedma.org
The Top Five Drivers in Marketing Execution Performance, www.marketingprofs.com
Internet Marketing Industry
IS Solutions Enhances Data Analytics Expertise Through Partnership with Search-Driven Analytics Leader ThoughtSpot, www.realwire.com
MRC Grants Sizmek Accreditation for Video Viewability, globenewswire.com
Pond5 Launches Sweepstakes to Celebrate Explosive Growth as Community Hits 40,000 Content Creators and 5 Million Video Uploads, www.webwire.com
S4M receives MRC accreditation for mobile browsers & applications, www.s4m.io
The Slow Adoption of MarTech for Digital Marketing Execution, www.komarketingassociates.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
3 Steps to Mobile App Personalization, blog.marketo.com
Android Marshmallow adoption passes 10% after 8 months, venturebeat.com
App reviews see major impact despite big brand name, www.mobilemarketer.com
How to Eliminate Mobile Ad Fraud for Good, www.cmswire.com
Instagram enables iOS share extensions to make posting photos faster, techcrunch.com
Survey Report: Some National-to-Local Marketers Still Need Convincing on Digital Effectiveness, streetfightmag.com
Wait, What? People Like Mobile Advertising?, www.tune.com
Other Items
Google launches new certification program for software development agencies, techcrunch.com
Google’s new iOS app Motion Stills stabilizes your Live Photos, venturebeat.com
Yahoo’s on Kik, yahoo.tumblr.com
Social Media
10 Surprising Snapchat Secrets Every Marketer Should Know, www.jeffbullas.com
2016 Social Media Marketing Platforms: 5 Key Trends, heidicohen.com
3 Beer Brands Brewing Great Social Media Campaigns, contently.com
5 Tips for Businesses on Snapchat, www.socialbakers.com
5 Ways to Get More LinkedIn Leads, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
Creating Instagram Ads in Power Editor: Your One-Stop Guide, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
Decreasing Attention Spans and Your Website, Social Media Strategy, www.adweek.com
Facebook’s Race To Dominate AI, www.fastcompany.com
How to Raise $210 Million With Transparency and Great Social Media, www.convinceandconvert.com
Is Facebook doing enough to prevent fraudulent ads?, econsultancy.com
Is Pinterest Still Alive & How Are Brands Using It?, www.toprankblog.com
The four biggest challenges facing social media strategists, econsultancy.com
Twitter Goes Deep Inside the Music Industry With Q&A Series, www.adweek.com
Twitter intros three new ways to embed timelines, techcrunch.com
Twitter Is Inviting Users to Become “Twitter Insiders” to Help Brands, motherboard.vice.com
Why Social Media Isn’t Working and What to Do About It, www.ducttapemarketing.com
Pandora Is Overhauling Its Ads to Amp Up Native Video for Mobile Users, www.adweek.com
The Live Blog: June 6, 2016, media.fb.com
The Silent Revolution: Facebook Video and the Importance of Consumer Behavior, blog.bufferapp.com