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Marketing Day: Snapchat Geofilter Costs, Local SEO Expectations & Online Reputation Management


Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Amazon To Webstore Sellers: No New Orders As Of May 1st, Two Months Ahead Of Platform Closure Feb 26, 2016 by Ginny Marvin Migration deadline effectively moves up by 60 days.

  2. WATCH: “Marketing Land Live” Show #2 Talks About Google AdWords Changes, AMP & More Feb 26, 2016 by Matt McGee If you missed our second episode, watch the video replay below.

  3. How Much A Snapchat Geofilter Costs At The Oscars & 5 Other Big Events Feb 26, 2016 by Tim Peterson Check out how much it would cost to run a Snapchat geofilter around the Academy Awards, at SXSW or during spring break in Las Vegas.

  4. Google Is Fixing The “Permanently Closed” Problem For Local Businesses Feb 26, 2016 by Joy Hawkins Columnist Joy Hawkins discusses how you can fix issues with old business locations being marked “Permanently closed” — and what Google may be doing to address the issue.

  5. Setting Local SEO Expectations: 3 Points To Hit Early And Often Feb 26, 2016 by Jenny Foster When it comes to providing SEO for local businesses, it’s crucial to set realistic expectations. Columnist Jenny Foster discusses three points she likes to drive home with clients to ensure a strong relationship and a smooth campaign.

  6. The Death Of Marketing Expertise Feb 26, 2016 by Andrew Goodman Where have all the search professionals gone? Contributor Andrew Goodman explores the state of the search agency industry today and wonders if we can be doing better.

  7. Optimizing Conversions Isn’t Everything! Don’t Neglect What Happens Before & After Feb 26, 2016 by Dale Hursh Are you maximizing your conversion potential? Columnist Dale Hursh discusses the activities and efforts that occur both before and after the conversion point, noting that focusing efforts here can increase conversions and ROI.

  8. Bullet-Proofing Your Business From The Inevitable Online Reputation Attack Feb 26, 2016 by Chris Silver Smith If your business hasn’t yet been hit with an online reputation attack, chances are it will be. Columnist Chris Silver Smith has tips on how to proactively prepare to help reduce the seriousness of an attack.

  9. 10 Best Practices For Digital Ad Breakthrough Feb 26, 2016 by Peter Minnium With the overflow of content available today, how do you get viewers’ attention? Columnist Peter Minnium offers up his advice on how to break through the noise.

  10. Cardlytics Opens Up Its Treasure Trove Of Purchase Histories To Ad Targeting Feb 25, 2016 by Barry Levine Atlanta-based company is now making its 120 million anonymized profiles available beyond bank-related sites and apps.

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