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Marketing Day: September 9, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Settles With Texas Marketing Firm Over Fake Reviews A Texas marketing company that was accused of registering more than 2,000 fake accounts to write car dealer reviews on has agreed to a ban on using the site. That’s part of a recently announced settlement between Humankind Design and, which also calls for Humankind to pay a portion of’s legal fees […]

  2. Embedded Posts & Automatic Authorship Attribution Arrive On Google+ Today at TechCrunch Disrupt two major enhancements were announced for Google+ that are geared towards bolstering sharing and making authorship attribution easy. The one commonality between the two updates? They work outside of Google+, one change affects webmasters and the other can been seen within the Search Engine Results Pages. Embedded Posts On the heels […]

  3. Google Adds AdSense Revenue As A Testing Objective In Content Experiments Google announced today the addition of AdSense Revenue as an experiment objective in Content Experiments. The addition allows AdSense publishers to run A/B tests on Google Analytics Content Experiments Platform that focus specifically on increasing AdSense revenue. Publishers must link their Google Analytics accounts to AdSense accounts in order to use Content Experiments. Once the […]

  4. Report: One Quarter Of Tablet Video Views Happen In Primetime, CTR On Pre-Roll Ads Higher On Mobile Devices Tubemogul, the programmatic video ad buying platform, issued its latest quarterly report on mobile video viewing habits and found tablet users adopting the traditional primetime viewing habits of TV viewers. The report shows smartphone and tablet video viewing habits are fairly consistent until evening. Beginning at 7 p.m., tablet usage escalates, peaking at 11 p.m. […]

  5. Instagram Ads Coming, Seeks To Avoid Facebook’s Missteps Ads are coming to Instagram next year. That fact is confirmed in a Wall Street Journal article that offers a profile of Facebook’s Emily White (now Director of Business Operations at Instagram) in which the subject of advertising on the app is broadly discussed. The piece conveys that she’s functioning as the Sheryl Sandberg of […]

  6. The Hidden Secrets To Improving Attribution Models Attribution is one of the most heavily discussed and debated topics among digital marketers. Interestingly, a recent study conducted by eConsultancy found that only 54 percent of companies are yet using any form of marketing attribution. The reasons for this vary, and they range from staffing to cost to time. Add to that the complexities of […]

  7. Q&A With Google On The New Gmail Inbox Tabs It’s been about three months since Gmail introduced its Inbox Tabs, a change designed to help users be more organized with their email but one that’s made many email marketers nervous. How’s the launch been going? Is there a secret to not being shuffled into the “Promotions” area? The answer to these and other questions, […]

  8. Google Stays Quiet On StellaService Ratings Integration Launch, Despite Fall Rumors Back in May, Google announced a partnership agreement with online customer service ratings firm StellaService. The licensing deal is designed to bolster the search giant as the go-to destination for product search. The actual integration has yet to launch, and Google is remaining quiet on any roll-out details. A Forbes report earlier this week claims […]

  9. Amazon Getting Ready To “Fork” Market With Free Smartphone Former Wall Street Journal writers Amir Efrati and Jessica Lessin are reporting that Amazon is considering offering its forthcoming “forked” Android handset(s) for free. According to the article: There are many unanswered questions about the plan and what strings will be attached for customers. One of them is whether Amazon would require its smartphone owners […]

  10. eMarketer: Retail Industry Expected To Spend $9.42 Billion On Paid Digital Media This Year A new report from eMarketer says that the US retail industry will spend $9.42 billion this year on paid digital media. By 2017, that number is expected to grow to $13.5 billion, representing a 10.5 percent compound annual growth rate. As a consistent top spender in digital paid media, eMarketer reports the retail industry will […]

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