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Marketing Day: September 6, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

The Amazon Kindle event just concluded without a smartphone announcement. But there were a bunch of new tablets introduced. I’m not going to go through all the specs; Danny’s live blog presented some of them and Techmeme is loaded with blog posts that detail screen resolution, battery life and so on. However what struck me […]

I subscribe to an ever-revolving variety of email programs, looking at old, new, large and small email offerings, and the experience offered by each. A recent streak of unsubscribing highlighted a few trends in the design of preference centers. Preference centers revolve around a central idea: choice. This is the subscriber’s control center, the place […]

Data aggregator and forecaster eMarketer has released a US mobile advertising projection that shows Twitter making more mobile ad revenue than mobile ad network Millennial Media, as well as Facebook and Apple’s iAd “network.” However in 2013 Facebook mobile revenues are forecast to surpass Twitter’s: Overall the firm says that mobile advertising in the US […]

LinkedIn announced they have made a major design revamp to the company pages. Company pages are special landing pages within LinkedIn that add more information about the companies people work at. The redesign is aimed to give the company pages a much more professional look and provide clearer and better information about the company. Here […]

Today Amazon announced new “Paperwhite” models of its Kindle ebook reader as well as a new Kindle Fire HD edition of its tablet, a version available in two sizes and one with 4G LTE support. Below is my live coverage of the news, and we’ll have more formal coverage coming shortly: Here we go, video […]

Yesterday Nokia announced two new Lumia-Windows (8) Phones. Google’s Motorola division also announced three new RAZR smartphones. Today Amazon will announce new Kindle tablets and, probably, a new smartphone (Danny will be live blogging the event). Next week, on September 12, we’ll get the iPhone 5. All this is happening in the space of one […]

Three weeks after announcing its plans for a new API and associated developer rules, Twitter today formally released API 1.1 to developers. Along with the new API, Twitter has also updated the API Terms (what Twitter calls its “Rules of the Road”) and display requirements. In his blog post, Twitter’s Jason Costa went out of […]

Mobile advertising may still be in its infancy, but if a new study by Trademob is correct, click fraud on mobile ads is already quite well developed. The mobile app marketing company conducted research that showed that 40% of mobile ad clicks are either accidental or fraudulent. The company conducted the study by looking at […]

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