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Marketing Day: September 5, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Vocus Rolls Out Social Media Updates To PRWeb, Adding Twitter Cards & Google Author Tags Marketing solutions provider Vocus has rolled out three new social media updates to their press release distribution service PRWeb, adding Twitter Cards, Google Author tags, and markup language that helps sites like Facebook identify press release headlines, summaries and dates. In the release announcing the updates, Vocus claims a recent Experian report found the average […]

  2. Fowl Play: Facebook Bans ‘Booby’ Nature Campaign If you were a resident of the birdwatching mecca of Christmas Island, a “booby” would mean one thing – a bird. The Booby is a seabird that hunts by diving into the water and catching sea life. However when the Christmas Island Tourism Association began running Facebook ads for the upcoming ‘Bird’n’Nature Week’ ads they […]

  3. Apple’s iPhone 5 Ads Were A Social Sharing Failure, Report Says Anticipation is growing about Apple’s latest Big Announcement next week, and you can bet that your Twitter, Facebook and Google+ streams will be filled with news and commentary about the company’s newest gadgets. But after the news hits, will the company’s TV ads translate well on social networks? According to a new report from Unruly […]

  4. Gmail Tabs Get Most Positive Reaction By Young Millenials, But Half Check Promotions Less Than Once A Week It may not come as a huge surprise, but more young millenials say the new Gmail tabs make inbox management easier than their more change-resistant elders, which in this case is anyone over the age of 24. According to a new study by marketing software firm StrongView (formerly StrongMail), half of young millenials (users aged […]

  5. Bing News Now Features Trending Topics From Facebook & Twitter Bing News has gotten a makeover, including the introduction of various trending topics boxes drawn from buzz detected on Facebook and Twitter, as well as Bing’s own searches. Bing posted about the change, saying: Bing News now surfaces the latest buzz from Facebook, Twitter and Bing. Cut through the clutter from across the Web with […]

  6. Study: Media Consumption & Evolving Role Of CMO Changing The Way Brands Are Measured Forrester released their Brand Health Measurement Is Ripe for Digital Disruption report this week, examining the new landscape of brand health measurement and the changing role of brand health measurement vendors. After interviewing 14 different brand measurement firms, the research company discovered that the methods for tracking the strength of a brand are transforming. According […]

  7. Report: Almost 90 Percent Concerned About Online Privacy & Trying To Avoid Advertisers A new survey based report from the Pew Research Center has some interesting and eye-opening findings about online privacy. Among them, the survey finds that 86 percent of US internet users “have taken steps online to remove or mask their digital footprints” using a variety of methods. Part of the survey dealt with online security […]

  8. How to Embrace True Persistent Marketing For years, it was commonplace for traditional marketing campaigns to require 90-day planning cycles — at a minimum. More recently, digital marketing has brought about an evolution in both speed and agility that has quickly made these lengthy cycles inadequate and unacceptable. Customers are increasingly available on their phones, websites and social media platforms, and […]

  9. Call-Through Rate: Key Mobile Ad Performance Metric With as many as 60 percent of all mobile local searches leading to consumer action within the day (depending on the category), mobile consumers are ready to connect with businesses. While calls are a de facto consumer response for smartphones (it is, after all, a phone), only a small number of mobile marketers are tracking […]

  10. Study: Hashtags On Facebook Don’t Help To Garner More Exposure Early this summer, Facebook released hashtag support for users and brands that wanted to be “part of a larger discussion.” According to Edgerank Checker, a Facebook optimization company, hashtags not only fail to be part of the larger conversation, but that they also may hinder engagement and reach, #uhoh. Over 500 pages were tracked with […]

  11. Yahoo! Debuts! New! Logo! After 18 years without change, and an interminable 30-day countdown of rejected logos, Yahoo has finally unveiled its new logo: Yahoo CMO Kathy Savitt offered this explanation of the change: We wanted a logo that stayed true to our roots (whimsical, purple, with an exclamation point) yet embraced the evolution of our products. It’s so […]

  12. Twitter Goes Down It’s not you. It’s Twitter. has gone down, though the mobile version of the site, as well as access to Twitter through Twitter clients seems fine. The Twitter status page confirms the problem, as posted at 5:03pm ET: Tweets flowing through Twitter for Mac for me continue just fine. I’m also able to reach […]

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