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Marketing Day: September 4, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Facebook Fixes Its Google Glass App; Twitter’s App Still Not Working Facebook has fixed its Google Glass app, which once again lets Glass wearers share photos to their Facebook timeline with voice captions. Reports began to surface late last week that the Facebook app for Glass wasn’t working. In Glass, it looked like everything was fine — users could share photos to Facebook, add a voice […]

  2. Samsung Announces Galaxy Gear, Apple iWatch Next Week As expected, Samsung has announced its Galaxy Gear smartwatch at the IFA conference in Berlin. Danny Sullivan live-blogged the event, which also saw a number of other announcements, including the Galaxy Note 3 and a new 10-inch Galaxy tablet. Earlier today Sony introduced its new and improved smartwatch at IFA. The new Samsung smartwatch comes […]

  3. Live Blog: The Samsung Galaxy Gear Watch, Galaxy Note 3 & Galaxy Note 10.1 Event Are you ready to wear your phone on your wrist? Sort of? Because that’s what’s widely expected to be the focus of today’s Samsung Unpacked event. We’ll be live blogging it as things get started at 10am PT. NOTE: See our more formal coverage here: Samsung Announces Galaxy Gear, Apple iWatch Next Week The event is […]

  4. Mobile Close To 20 Percent Of Internet Traffic Globally According to data from StatCounter, mobile devices now drive almost 20 percent of all global Internet traffic. In Africa, it’s 25 percent, while in Asia it’s nearly 30 percent. India is the most mobile-centric country in the world, with 61 percent of its Internet traffic coming via mobile devices. A range of these kinds of […]

  5. Is Your Email Program Experiencing That 2:30 Feeling? That 2:30 feeling doesn’t just hit people. Think about your email program and how energized it is. If email marketers are honest with themselves, many would admit their programs have hit a lull. They’ve become sluggish, struggling to make it over the afternoon hump and burst with life again. Fatigue has set in and productivity […]

  6. How Wikipedia Could Improve Its Facts With Verification & “Right To Reply” Box One of the most annoying things about Wikipedia is that the subjects of its articles aren’t allowed to contribute directly to those articles. The idea is that this protects the neutrality of the content. There’s some sense to that. But Wikipedia could easily let those subjects participate in what I’d call a “Right To Reply” […]

  7. How To Design A Landing Page That Converts As marketers, getting quality traffic to our websites has never been easier. We have SEO, PPC, social media, email marketing, display ads, photo marketing, mobile ads… and the list keeps growing. Consumers, however, are learning to automatically tune out anything that isn’t interesting. This drives businesses to spend even more, becoming more creative and pulling out […]

  8. Latest Google Survey Asks About Public Reactions to Glass Google is sending out another survey to Glass Explorers this week. It’s shorter than previous surveys I’ve been asked to complete, and asks questions in a few new topics. In fact, this one is brief enough that I can post screenshots of the whole survey. (Scroll below.) I was invited to take the survey yesterday […]

  9. Topsy Makes Every Tweet Since The Beginning Of Time Searchable Last month Topsy, a social search and analytics company, bolstered their service to allow for users to search all Tweets since July 2010. Today, Topsy has announced that they have indexed every Tweet since the beginning of Twitter. The first Tweet was recorded back in Spring of 2006 by Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey and everything […]

  10. Twitter Reportedly Hires Google’s Christian Oestlien To Lead International Growth Google’s display advertising product management director is jumping to Twitter, according to All Things D. Christian Oestlien is reportedly being tapped to head up international growth for Twitter. He’ll take the role of senior director of growth and international and report to Twitter vice president of product, Michael Sippey. Oestlien has been at Google for […]

  11. Kit Kat Gets Behind Android KitKat With “Kit Kat 4.4″ Candybar Phone Parody Ad & Website KitKat — the candy bar — is really getting behind its cross-promotion with the latest version of Android 4.4, which has been named “Android KitKat.” Kit Kat has announced its own Kit Kat 4.4, a candy bar positioned as if it were a smartphone, in a parody ad and in a site redesign. Here’s how […]

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  1. 17 Tactics for More Twitter Followers (And Two New Followerwonk Features to Help!),

  2. Do Twitter images really increase engagement?,

  3. Give Social Media The Love It Needs to Grow,

  4. Images of Women Get More Facebook Likes, Men Get More Shares, Social Fresh

  5. In An Apparent Bug, Some Twitter Users Report Avatar Photos Being Replaced With Default ‘Egg’, TechCrunch

  6. Meet The Suggested User List in Google Plus (SUL) – How I Jumped From 4K to 80K Followers in Just 4 Months,

  7. Proper Use of Twitter For Local Marketing,

  8. Social Customer Service: What It Is and Why It’s Not Enough,

  9. The Google+ Photo Editor Has Been Down For Days, No ETA For A Fix, TechCrunch

  10. Twitter’s Thin Blue Line Is Already Wavering: A Sign Of More Changes To Conversation Threads To Come?, TechCrunch

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