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Marketing Day: September 4, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Comscore released its US mobile data for July this morning. They show both Google and Apple gained market share, while all others continued to lose share. Collectively RIM, Microsoft and Nokia/Symbian now control less than 15 percent of the total smartphone market. Samsung was the top hardware OEM with just over 25 percent of the […]

Attend a comprehensive workshop conducted by leading experts in internet marketing on December 4, immediately preceding SMX Social Media Marketing December 5-6 in Las Vegas. Registration is open and super early bird rates are now available. Check out the full conference agenda, covering paid, earned and owned social media topics. Enhance your SMX experience – […]

A UK journalist claims that he’s replicated US writer Nathan Newman’s informal “experiment” suggesting that Google conducts “racial profiling” in the AdWords it shows to Gmail users. The UK journalist says his investigation reproduced “similarly disturbing results” comparable to the US test. Newman’s earlier test, conducted roughly a year ago, involved the use of nine […]

As with buying stocks, timing is everything when it comes to leveraging data to reach your target audience. Today, brands have the opportunity to capitalize on the abundance of inventory and data available to plan their marketing initiatives. When combined with media, these ingredients create the perfect recipe to apply targeted advertising to seasonal events. […]

While social influence scoring services like Klout, Kred and PeerIndex can provide valuable data for marketers, it’s important that you understand their limitations as well as their strengths. (Note: This is part 2 of a 2-part series. See part 1 here.) One challenge is the fact that you can’t compare scores in an apples-to-apples way […]

When it comes to political activity online, Democrats are more likely than Republicans and Independents to say that social networking sites are important. And they’re also more likely to say that they’ve become more active politically because of their interactions on social media sites. Those are some of the findings in Politics on Social Networking […]

We’re living in a multiscreen world. Like arboreal monkeys in the rain forest, swinging from tree to tree, consumers now move between various screens throughout the day. They start on smartphones, advance to the PC and perhaps finish tasks on tablets. They watch TV and search on what they’re seeing. They go back to their […]

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