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Marketing Day: September 28, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Klout’s mix of influence scoring signals finally includes Facebook Pages. Klout announced today that its users are now able to connect Facebook Pages to their accounts. Facebook Pages are already being factored into Klout scores, and content from those pages will soon start to show up on Klout profiles. For those who care about Klout […]

You may have seen the headlines this week: For the first time, Instagram surpassed Twitter in average daily mobile visitors last month. It’s an important milestone in Instagram’s growth, but the August numbers don’t fully reflect the dramatic gains that Instagram has made over the past six months. ComScore, the source of this week’s statistics […]

Mapageddon was front and center as the new iOS Maps fallout continued and the fight to control the most valuable context began in earnest. Meanwhile both LinkedIn and Bing raced headlong into identifying experts and assessing authority. While you can quibble with their implementations the trend toward a web of people is undeniable. While these […]

Kara Swisher at AllThingsD, the prodigious leaker of Yahoo internal memos, has released former Chief Product Officer Blake Irving’s August 2011 internal strategy document. The 21-page memo is called “Yahoo Three-Year Product Strategy” and lays out “five strategic elements” and a number of “horizontal” areas of focus: “Personalization, Video, Mobile, Social, and Local.” According to Swisher, the […]

Under the stewardship of new CEO Marissa Mayer, Yahoo is launching a new contextual advertising network — similar to Google’s AdSense and the Yahoo Publisher Network it abandoned in 2010. This time, the company is partnering with Search Alliance ally Bing, and technology provider The idea, apparently, is to bulk up the amount of […]

Gone are the days of dishing out miniature icons posing as virtual presents on Facebook. Instead of the standard “congratulations!” wall post users will soon be able to comment and include real-world gifts for any occurrence. The new commerce-based Facebook Gifts that users can purchase for their friends directly from their profile page. Facebook Gifts range from gift cards […]

Over the past two days Facebook has removed millions of fake Likes for pages in an attempt to improve overall integrity. Facebook estimates that less that 1% of Likes on any given Page will be removed. The Like removals will target those Pages that violated Facebook Terms in order to gain Likes. The official statement […]

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