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Marketing Day: September 27, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Survey: 71% Of Companies Concerned Over Social Media Risks, But Only 36% Provide Employee Training A recently published survey examining corporate social media risks and rewards from advisory firm Grant Thornton found that 71 percent of the executives polled said their company was concerned about possible risks posed by social media, but only 36 percent reported having social media training. The report included a 32-question online survey that was completed […]

  2. Twitter Quietly Adds Website Analytics (& You’ll Love It) Did you know you can see how your website is performing on Twitter? You can see all the tweets that link to your website, whether or not they include your @username. You can see tweets that link to any specific page on your website. You can see how often Twitter users click on links to […]

  3. Facebook Users Will Soon Have More Control Over The Ads It Displays Facebook announced it is making changes to the ads algorithm to improve the relevancy of ads in users’ news feeds. The algorithm determines what ads to show Facebook users. What’s changing? The company says it is putting greater emphasis on feedback from users about the ads they see. When users report or hide ads, they’ll […]

  4. Google Unveils New “Hummingbird” Search Algorithm For “Precise & Fast” Results Big news in the search world yesterday. Google announced that it is using a new search algorithm called “Hummingbird” to sort through its millions of facts and billions of web pages. The system takes its name from the more “precise and fast” results that it is intended to deliver. Panicked about a sudden loss of […]

  5. Budgeting For Email Marketing: How To Invest In The “Killer App” Last week at the ExactTarget Connections Conference, I had that the opportunity to meet Forrester analyst Shar vanBoskirk. Like most in our industry, I was interested in her point of view on a question I often ponder, so I approached after her presentation and asked for it: “If email consistently has the highest conversion rate […]

  6. Remarketing For Search: Approaching The Promise Of Digital Marketing Good fishermen know where the fish are… so why is it that good marketers don’t always know where the best consumers are? Despite massive advancements in targeting, tracking and user insights, John Wannamaker’s adage — “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half” — may still […]

  7. Strike That From The News Feed: Facebook Now Allows Users To Edit Posts It’s happened to everyone at one time or another. It might have been an ill-conceived auto-correct, an errant vowel, grammar goof, or maybe just an unpropitious update. Have no fear fellow Facebookers, the ability to update posts is now here to save the day. Right now, all Facebook posts can be edited on the web […]

  8. No Data For You: SEO Experts Offer Opinions On Google’s Move To Withhold Even More Search Term Data Google quietly confirmed earlier this week that it would be encrypting all search data, regardless of whether a user was signed in or not. The company offered the following statement to clarify their sudden decision to withhold the data: We added SSL encryption for our signed-in search users in 2011, as well as searches from […]

  9. Google Is Hitting The Road To Drum Up Interest In Google Glass Google is taking Google Glass on the road. The company has announced plans to visit cities around the U.S. and give locals a chance to not only learn about Google Glass, but also to give the device a hands-on try. … we’re going to start bringing Glass to cities across the US so you can […]

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