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Marketing Day: September 20, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Klout has rolled out new profile pages that … I hate to say it, but there’s no avoiding it … are kinda Pinterest-y. Sure, the top part with your name and avatar is actually more Twitter-like than anything, but as you scroll down you’ll see what I mean. Your “top moments” are now presented as […]

Nielsen will launch its Twitter TV Ratings on September 30, giving television networks and advertisers the first industry-standard metric for second-screen viewership. Twitter has confirmed that date to Marketing Land, after it was first reported by the Wall Street Journal. The WSJ article also includes some of the ratings service’s initial test results: Early findings […]

A new look at consumer trust in advertising from ratings agency Nielsen finds that, despite gains, consumers still put more trust in traditional paid advertising than digital ad formats. The Global Survey of Trust in Advertising compares consumer opinions in 2013 to those of 2007. With the exception of ads in newspapers, all ad formats […]

The future of digital advertising and marketing increasingly involves “closing the loop” between online ad exposures and offline sales. The days of the “click” are numbered. Mobile payments early on held this promise. However mobile payments haven’t yet taken off (see Google Wallet). But that hasn’t stopped Google, Facebook, Twitter and others from developing methodologies […]

Paid Advertising Platforms are growing exponentially on what seems like a weekly basis. What once was Keywords + Ad + Bid = Money has now become a full-time job. Bid adjustments, rules, remarketing, extensions, day-parting, local or geographic targeting, modified broad match, and more — the vocabulary alone is a struggle for small business owners […]

Yesterday, social sharing and analytics tool Buffer announced a major milestone — one million users. Buffer has been at the forefront of social sharing innovation as they now integrate with all major social networks and have integrated with other popular services like FollowerWonk. Buffer got their start back in Fall of 2010 when Joel Gascoige […]

Today, Pinterest CEO and co-founder Ben Silbermann announced the company has begun testing promoted pins. It marks Pinterest’s first foray into paid advertising in its nearly four year existence. In a post titled “Planning for the Future” on the Pinterest blog, Silbermann sets the tone for the type of monetization the business is envisioning, i.e. […]

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