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Marketing Day: September 19, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Promise To Make The New “My Yahoo” Your Home Page, Get Retweeted By CEO Marissa Mayer Promise to switch to the “My Yahoo” personalized home page — which got a facelift today — and you might get a retweet from CEO Marissa Mayer. That’s the unexpected and individualized marketing campaign that’s underway now. Yahoo announced a refresh to its My Yahoo personalized home page today, which provides one-stop shopping for getting […]

  2. IAB Paper Aims To Clarify Programmatic Jargon, Establish Common Definitions Even as programmatic ad buying and selling has been transforming the online advertising ecosystem, there is widespread confusion and misunderstanding about this fledgling technology. Jargon overload hasn’t helped: “programmatic,” “automation,” “RTB” and other terms are tossed about willy-nilly. A new paper, the first issued by the nascent IAB Programmatic Publishers Task Force, aims to establish […]

  3. Top Cell Phone Activity In 2013? Texting, Then Internet, Email & Apps Our phones may be smarter than ever, but the most popular activity most Americans use them for is pretty simple — to send SMS messages. That tops the list of cell phone activities for 2013, according to a new study released by Pew Internet. The study, conducted in April and May of this year and […]

  4. Floats New Ideas For The IAB To Address “Systemic Failures” Of Display Advertising In a post calling out a recent study that showed huge percentages of online activity coming from suspicious sources as hyperbolic at best, detrimental at worst, Douglas de Jager, head of the traffic analysis firm, makes several suggestions for the IAB’s Traffic of Good Intent Task Force to address the “systemic failures” afflicting the […]

  5. 3 Key iOS 7 Features Marketers Should Care About On September 18, Apple rolled out its new mobile operating system, iOS 7. Described by Apple SVP of Design Jony Ive as the “most significant change to the mobile operating system since our first iOS platform,” iOS 7 has applied the addition by subtraction principle. For starters, Apple’s “reductive design” approach features flatter icons (versus […]

  6. Is Your Site Foreign To Visitors? How To Present A Tourist-Friendly Experience You’re being tested. Right now. You’re being probed and compared and measured and documented. Would you like to know your results? Having spent the past week in two foreign (to me, at least) cities — Frankfurt and Stockholm — I’ve tackled the challenges they presented with a mix of science and creative abandon. I’ve been […]

  7. Facebook Advertiser Banned For Using Photo Of A Teen Who Recently Committed Suicide Rehtaeh Parsons was a 17-year-old Canadian woman that passed away due to complications of an attempted suicide on April 7th this year. She was allegedly raped by four boys then cyberbullied and harassed up until her suicide attempt. The silver lining of the occurrence is that in passing she helped to change Canadian law for […]

  8. Prepping For Bad News: 10 Tips That Could Prevent A Social Media Crisis Social media managers talk a lot about being ready for a social media crisis, but there’s not much discussion about preparing for regular old bad news. Sometimes you have to raise prices, close a branch, discontinue a product or deliver some other unsavory announcement. You know your fans and customers aren’t going to like it […]

  9. Brandwatch’s Vizia Gives Brands A New Tool To Run Social Media Command Centers Brandwatch, a provider of social media monitoring tools, has launched Vizia, a new social media analytics solution that displays real-time data on multiple screens. Brandwatch is billing their latest offering as, “a reinvention of the traditional social media command center.” “It’s not only supported by advanced analytics that delve into the most relevant business insights, […]

  10. This Year’s Tech 200 List Features Several Digital Marketing Agencies The online marketing industry has numerous companies represented on the 2013 Tech 200, a list of the fastest-growing private companies in the US. The list is put together annually by Lead411 and features self-reported company data. To qualify, companies must be US-based, be private and have at least $1 million in revenue in the past […]

  11. Putting Facial Recognition Technology To Work For The Consumer: 5 Questions With Facedeals CEO Facial recognition technology has everyone in an uproar. Privacy advocates and consumers alike are fearful of its possible uses; but, one company believes the controversial technology can be a consumer’s best friend, and has an app to prove it. Started in the “invention lab” of Redpepper advertising agency in Nashville, Tennessee, Facedeals has developed an […]

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  1. 17 Pinterest metrics you should be tracking, PR Daily

  2. 30 Facebook Timeline Contest Ideas That Drive Likes and Comments,

  3. 5 Lame Brand Tweets, Digiday

  4. 5 Ways to Sell With Social Media, Social Media Examiner

  5. A Three-Pronged Approach to Getting Quality Leads on Twitter, Crazy Egg

  6. Dmexco: ‘Brands aren’t something we put on Facebook to make money, they are part of the experience,’ states Facebook’s director of engineering,

  7. Dmexco: Twitter’s head of international business development discusses how the platform helps brands “engage and act” in the moment,

  8. Increasing Facebook Likes: You’re Building a Number, Not a Business,

  9. Pinterest Content Unraveled! Tasty Pinning Tactics Served Hot By Michelle Ignacio, aimClear

  10. Small Biz Owners Want, But Can’t Afford, Social Media Help, MediaPost

  11. The Story Behind The New Twitter Spam Epidemic, Buzzfeed

  12. Twitter Would Like to Know Your Mother’s Birth Date,


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